The Curve Ball - Samantha Lind Page 0,1

community as I do, which reminds me, I’ll need to call up to the security gate tomorrow and find out how the fuck Erica got past it and to my house.

“What took you so long to get here?” I ask as Derek opens his truck door.

“I called Riley to come stay with the girls, but then we decided she would come with me rather than Jillian,” he says as they both get out of the truck.

I lead us into the house. “I have no idea what the fuck to do. Help!”

“First off, calm the fuck down, dude. Babies feed off your stress,” Derek states. We both watch Derek’s sister, Riley, as she hurries over to the car seat and pulls Evelyn from it.

As soon as she cradles Evelyn in her arms, she immediately starts to calm down.

“What’s her name?” Riley asks.

“Um, Evelyn is what Erica told me.”

“Hi, Evie,” Riley coos at the baby, and she stops crying almost immediately.

“Holy shit, you’re the baby whisper,” I state, amazed that she was able to calm her down so quickly.

“Not really,” she says. “Did her mother leave you with anything? Bottles? Formula? Diapers? Clothes?”

“She left that bag.” I point at the diaper bag sitting on the coffee table. “What the fuck am I supposed to do with a baby?” I ask the room at large. “I don’t even know how old she is.”

“If I had to guess, she looks to be about three months old,” Derek says.

We watch as Riley walks over to the bag and rummages through it. She pulls out a bottle and can of formula and walks to the kitchen, which is off the living room. She comes back a few minutes later with a bottle made and the baby sucking hungrily at it.

“Looks like she was hungry,” Riley tells us as she takes a seat on the loveseat.

“So, do you have any information on the mother?” Derek asks a few moments later.

“Um, some,” I tell him. I pull my hat off and run my fingers through my hair, before replacing it back on my head. “Her name is Erica. We hooked up last year. She left me her cell number but said that she just couldn’t do this on her own anymore and that it was my turn.”

“That’s pretty fucked up,” Derek murmurs. “I think, tomorrow, you need to call your attorney and get the ball rolling on a paternity test. Maybe try tracking down this Erica chick and finding out as much as you can about the baby.”

“What am I going to do with her when I go to practice? Games? Road trips?” I ask, freaking out again.

“Well, if Erica is truly out of the picture, you’re going to have to hire a nanny.”

“I can help,” Riley interjects. “I haven’t found a job yet, so I’m available if you need someone to watch her.”

“There you go. Problem solved, for now,” Derek says. “There isn’t anyone Jillian and I trust with our kids more than Riley. She’s the perfect person to help you until you can figure shit out.”

“Thanks,” I say, blowing out a huge breath. “I still can’t believe that Erica just dumped the baby here and left. Who would do that kind of thing?”

“I don’t know, but maybe it’s for the best,” Derek states.

“Do you have a guest bedroom?” Riley asks.

“Yeah, let me show you where it is.” I lead her down the hall, Derek grabs the diaper bag and follows behind, as well. I’m guessing we’ll need whatever is in that bag for the night, so it’s a good thing he grabbed it. I show Riley into my guest room, and she takes a seat on the chair in the corner as Evelyn continues to suck greedily on the bottle. I watch as Evelyn finishes it and Riley pulls it from her mouth. Riley turns her in her arms, laying her up on her shoulder, and starts patting her back. I have seen Jillian and Derek do the same thing with their girls, so it isn’t completely foreign to me.

“Can you look in the bag and see if there’s a burp rag or cloth, please?” Riley asks. Derek starts rummaging in there and pulls something out, handing it to Riley. She tucks it between her and the baby just seconds before Evelyn lets out a huge belch, followed by some spit-up.

“Are you sure you’re okay staying and helping out tonight?” I hear Derek ask Riley as I step out of the room and into the bathroom