Cruel Prince(Royal Hearts Academy #1) - A. Jade Page 0,4

and winks. “And sister.”

Cole and I exchange a glance.

Dad should have sent Royal Hearts more money. Something tells me we’re gonna have our hands full with issues this year given Bianca’s now a freshman at RHA.

My father averts his gaze, muttering something under his breath.

Like most people she meets, Bianca’s got him wrapped around her little finger.

My mother’s partly to blame for that. She was a Bollywood star…until my dad went to India with his own father on a business trip, took one look at my mom, fell head over heels in love, and secretly whisked her away to the states to live happily ever after.

Rumi Covington was the most gorgeous woman in the world. Hands down, no contest.

But unlike Cole who takes after my father with his light green eyes and pale Irish skin tone, or me who falls somewhere between with a mixture of both my parents’ features—Bianca’s the spitting image of her.

Needless to say, things were much easier when she was in the ugly duckling stage…before the braces came off and she got contacts. Amongst other things I’d rather not think about.

I grip my fork. What my dad needs to do is tell her to get the fuck upstairs and change…but he won’t.

Jason Covington’s a pro at avoiding any kind of confrontation with his children.

Which is ironic considering he owns Trust Pharmaceuticals—one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world and has no problem making waves when it comes to getting what he wants at work.

It’s a shame he can’t muster half that energy to deal with his own kids, but he stopped caring a long time ago.

Hell, he practically invites me and my siblings to walk all over him.

“You’re not wearing that,” I tell my sister as the patio door opens and my friend Oakley walks out onto the veranda.

Or rather, he tries to. The fucker trips over his own feet halfway to the table because his bloodshot pupils are glued to Bianca.

I narrow my eyes at her. “You look like you shop at skank express.”

She takes a bite of her apple. “Probably because I borrowed this outfit from one of your little skanky girlfriends.”

Oakley and Cole laugh, but I shoot them a look of warning before turning my attention back to her.

“Go change.”

She opens her mouth to protest, but I slam my fist down on the table. I’m not in the mood for her or anyone else’s shit today. “So help me God, get your ass upstairs and change or—”

“Fine, whatever,” she huffs. “I can’t wait until you go to college next year, you big bully.”

Cole waggles his eyebrows as she stomps away. “Don’t get too excited, I’ll still be here to torment you.”

She chucks the half-eaten apple at his head before she walks off.

His eyes spark with indignation as he rubs his scalp. “Bitch.”

“Hey,” my father snaps. “Don’t call your little sister a bitch.”

Would you look at that? Jason not only contributed to a conversation, he almost sounded like a parent.

As usual, it’s always after I handle the situation.

Oakley plops down in the empty chair next to me. “What’s up?”

Before he can blink, I swing my fist into his arm.

“Jesus. What the hell, man?” he grunts, clutching his shoulder. “That’s my jerking arm.”

“Well, if you ever look at my baby sister like that again, I’ll break it and shove it up your ass. You feel me?”

He winces. “I didn’t realize it was her. She looks so—”

“Dude,” Cole interjects. “Quit while you’re ahead.” He gestures between us. “Last I checked, you have two arms and there are two of us. The odds aren’t in your favor.”

Oak holds up his hands. “You both need to chill. I’m not looking to cause any beef or mack on baby Covington. Trust me, I have enough on my plate already.”

Cole and I exchange another glance. Oak’s cool and all, but he’s been known to make a few mountains out of molehills that resulted in him doing stupid shit.

Like calling 911 in the middle of a party because someone stole his weed.

I lean back in my seat, pondering whether or not it’s worth the potential irritation to find out what’s bugging him.

I’m assuming it has something to do with the big party Christian threw last night. I was gonna go, but Britney Caldwell had other plans.

Plans that involved sucking my dick on the drive there and then begging me to pull over so I could put it in her ass.

Since I could use the entertainment, I decide to humor my