Cruel Academy - Nicole Fox Page 0,1

They all start whispering and cackling. A few of them throw mean glances my way.

“Bitches,” I correct. Wouldn’t want any of my former so-called friends to feel left out of that term of endearment.

Even though it’s a bad idea, I let myself search their faces to see if Estefania is among them.

Estefania—my actual former best friend. Who is also the girl who hasn’t returned a single one of the many, many text messages I’ve sent since my family moved across town and I switched schools from Public to Ravenlake Academy.

I’m desperate to see her. To hear from her. For her to say something to me, anything at all. Even just a “hi” or a “fuck you.” She’s the only person left at Public that I care about.

But it seems the feeling is not at all mutual.

The crowd noise picks up. I look over to the ring to see what’s happening.

Between the ropes, Caleb is doing what he does best—pounding his opponent into a pulp. His back is facing me, so I can see how his muscles flex and shine under the spotlights.

Slicked with sweat.

Dangerous and deadly.

Also, absurdly gorgeous.

I shake my head and stick that thought where the sun don’t shine.

Caleb hates my guts. With good reason. After everything that happened between us…

No! I think to myself. Noooope. No way, Jose. Don’t even go there.

The past is the past. Nothing good can come of revisiting the things that John did while I was with him. The things he made me do.

I shudder and turn away as the crowd roars behind me.

I’ve overstayed my welcome. It’s time to get the hell out of here.

This part of my life is over.



I take a deep breath when I push through the rusted side door and emerge into the parking lot.

It’s summer in Ravenlake, Texas, so the air is humid. But it feels good anyways. Calming. Soothing.

Out here, the roar of the crowd is hardly noticeable. It’s just crickets. Distant cars passing on the highway. The drone of the single fluorescent streetlight in the far corner of the parking lot. The sounds of South Texas at night.

Until, when someone reaches out of the darkness and grabs me, I add my scream to the mix.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” someone snarls.

I whirl around, still caught in the man’s grasp.

I’m expecting to see John.

He found me. He came to finish what he started. To shut me up. Silence me for good.

But it’s not him.

Instead, it’s Levi—John’s best friend.

Not quite as bad as I feared. But not much better, either.

“I’m leaving,” I snap. I wrench my arm free of his clutches and take a step away from him.

“Why did you come here tonight?” His breath is thick with the scent of alcohol. So much that I feel a little drunk just smelling it. “Not smart, little Halez. Not smart at all.”

I ball my hands into fists. “Thought I’d put some money on the Wilson kid.”

He growls between clenched teeth. “Don’t be a smartass. No one has heard from you in months. If you knew what was good for you, you’d be hiding.”

I roll my eyes. “You don’t scare me, Levi.”

That’s a lie.

I do a quick survey of my surroundings. I’m alone in a parking lot with a drunken asshole who’s best friend with my abusive ex. Fact is that I’m not just scared—I’m fucking terrified.

Everyone inside is screaming their heads off as Caleb Wilson, the Fighter Prince of Ravenlake Prep, beats another idiot into submission.

Which means none of them will hear me if I start screaming for help.

All of which means one thing: I’m fucked.

Levi stands taller, puffing out his thin chest. I always referred to him as “the rat,” which amazingly he didn’t care for, despite how accurate it was.

Like a rodent, he scurries around gathering intel on everyone and everything to take back to his nest of Hell Prince scum. And if you give him the chance, he’ll shit all over you. The only person he is loyal to is John.

Still, rat or not, he is bigger than I am. Stronger, too.

He reaches out and grabs me again. His hand is an immovable cuff around my forearm.

He pulls me close, his breath hot in my face. He must see me glance around, hoping for some last minute savior, because he smiles.

“You aren’t under John’s protection anymore. You know that, right? No one gives a shit what happens to you.”

“Let me go,” I say evenly. “Even if we aren’t dating, I’m sure John wouldn’t appreciate