A Crown Of Shadows And Secrets - Sloane Murphy Page 0,5

a lot to take in. You got the information he was willing to give at the time. But your brother is another thing to discuss. Do we try to extract him from Archer, and potentially use the information he feeds us? Can we be sure he’ll even tell us the truth?” Kain’s words hit me like small blows, because I have no idea what to do about Bauer, and that hurts me.

“I guess we take it to a vote later tonight. Personally, I know my choice, but I’m not going to weigh in and sway anyone else. That’s not my way. And if we leave him, he made his bed. Fallon didn’t, she is my main priority right now. I’d already be gone if it wasn’t for you guys.” I shrug and head back to the sofa to sit down.

I lift my legs up on the cushions and wrap my arms around my knees. “What do you think it’s like where she is?”

Roman and Kain both pale a little but shake their heads. Levi looks me in the eye and smiles sadly. “It’s not going to be a picnic, I won’t lie to you to make you feel better Angel. But she’ll be alive and unharmed for now, that’s what Archer said, and he’s counting on you helping him still. He won’t jeopardize that. That said, Demons are Demons. The sooner we find her, the better. What we really need to know is who Archer is working with, as much as we need to find out if you can even still come back from there.”

“Awesome, not too much to do while Fallon just sits down there, experiencing fates only knows what.” I let out a deep breath and rest my forehead on my knees. While I won’t let anyone else see me fall apart if I need it, I know these guys don’t need me to be on for them all the time. I can just be myself. Later on is going to be exhausting enough.

“We’ll get there, Angel. You’ll see.”

A few hours later and the house is teeming with people, which is why I’m currently hiding in the utility room, scoffing a few bites of cheesecake Everly sneaked to me, while the guys round everyone up and herd them outside.

I never said I was a people person, and this is a lot of people.

I take a deep breath after I finish my naughty snack and brush the crumbs off of my t-shirt. I mean, the fact that is says, ‘Sass, Class, and a whole lot of Badass’ just kind of sums up my whole mood today. Everly tried not to laugh when she saw it, but I managed to dodge everyone else since I got dressed again. These people know who I am, I have no need to prove anything to them.

So I run my fingers through my hair and make myself presentable before I open the door from the nook off from the kitchen and peer around the door to see if anyone is around.

“Hiding out, princess?” Roman’s voice makes me jump and I stick my tongue out at him.

“I was, just for a minute. So many people.” I shake my head and take the hug he offers. His arms wrap around me, enveloping me as I sink into him.

“We’ve got this, Remy. We’ll find the solution. Just please, promise me you won’t go running off and do something stupid and rash just to make things move quicker. I know she’s your friend, but if anything happens to you. At this point, we’d probably burn the world to the ground between us.” I sigh at his words but mumble my agreement.

“Thank you, now come on, lets head outside before everyone kills each other and we have no-one left to fight for us.” He winks at me and I roll my eyes as he takes my hand and leads me outside. The group of people gathered quiet as I approach, and I wonder when it was I became the appointed spokesperson for this shit, but I guess since I started it, past me appointed me.

God she’s such an ass. Past me has a lot to be held accountable for.

I stop my eye roll at my inner thoughts and stop with Roman at my side, next to where Levi stands. Roman kisses my hand and goes to stand with his Lycans. Kain is with his Dracul, and Creek with my brother. At least everyone is here again.

“Thank you all for