Crimson Frost - (The Mythos Academy #4) Page 0,3

things and, most especially, people. More than once, my hand had brushed against someone’s, and I’d realized that what he said didn’t match what he felt. That’s what had happened with my first boyfriend. He’d kissed me, and I’d realized that he was really thinking about another girl instead.

But there was nothing to be afraid of with Logan. I knew all the Spartan’s secrets, and he knew mine. Well, except for the whole Gwen’s-supposed-to-kill-Loki thing. I still wasn’t sure exactly how to bring that up, and I wasn’t going to. Not today. There would be time enough to obsess and worry about that later. Right now, I just wanted to enjoy my date with Logan.

“How is it that you always know just what to do and say to make me feel better?” I said.

Logan grinned. “Just another part of that Spartan killer instinct. I can slay the ladies just as well as I can Reapers.”

I rolled my eyes and leaned over to punch him in the shoulder—and managed to knock over my tea and his espresso. Liquid cascaded all over the table, most of it spilling off the far side and into Logan’s lap. The Spartan jumped up, but he didn’t have an Amazon’s quickness, so he couldn’t avoid getting soaked.

“Sorry!” I said, getting to my own feet. “I’m so sorry!”

I reached for the silver holder on the table, intending to rip some napkins out of it, but instead I ended up knocking it to the ground as well. The napkin holder clang-cla-cla-clanged across the floor.

By the time the holder skidded to a stop and the noise faded away, everyone in the shop had turned to stare at us. Embarrassment made my cheeks burn, while Logan looked like he’d had water dumped all over him.

“Sorry,” I mumbled again.

“It’s okay,” Logan said, holding his hands out to his sides to keep from touching his now-sticky clothes. “I’ll just go get cleaned up.”

He headed off toward the bathroom. I sighed, picked up the holder, put it back on the table, grabbed some napkins out of it, and started mopping up the mess. After a few seconds, most people went back to their conversations—except for Helena and her friends. They were too busy laughing at me to talk.

I put my head down, ignored them, and cleaned up the liquid as fast as I could before wiping my hands off. I threw all the used napkins into a trash can, then sat down and slumped as low as I could in my chair. So far, this date hadn’t exactly been a big success—or even just the fun time I’d wanted it to be. Once again, I’d messed up everything without even trying. Sometimes, I thought that was my specialty in life.

I was so busy brooding that I didn’t pay any attention when the door to Kaldi’s opened, and three men trooped inside. Once again, all conversation stopped, and I felt a collective emotion ripple off everyone in the shop: fear.

“The Protectorate,” I heard Helena whisper.

The Protectorate? What was that? I’d never heard of them before, but apparently they knew me because the men walked in my direction, their eyes fixed on my face.

I tensed, then sat up in my seat, wondering who the men were and what they wanted. Could they be Reapers come to attack the students? I’d wanted to be alone with Logan, so I’d left Vic, my talking sword, in my dorm room. Stupid of me not to bring the weapon, even though we’d only been getting coffee. I should have known by now that nothing was simple at Mythos—not even my first date with Logan.

My eyes scanned the shop, looking for something I could use as a weapon, but the only things within arm’s reach were the two mugs and the napkin holder on my table. I wrapped my hand around the napkin holder and put it in my lap under the table and out of sight of the men.

This wouldn’t be the first time Reapers had attacked me. If these men decided to do the same, well, I’d think of something. Besides, one good scream, and Logan would come running out of the bathroom to help me.

One of the men stepped up and stared down at me. He was handsome enough, with blond hair and pale blue eyes, but his mouth was fixed in a firm frown, as if he constantly found fault with everyone around him. He looked at me, and I stared at him a moment before