The Corruption of Mila - By J.F. Jenkins Page 0,3

to make an interesting adventure. What about you?”

“What about me?” I asked, not liking the shift of focus on the conversation. If Jax was guarded, I was Fort Knox.

“What kind of a person are you? What sort of things do you do in your spare time?”

I leaned forward. “I could show you.”

“It's trashy to kiss on a first date,” he said.

I hid my wince. “Not what I meant. You shouldn't be so presumptuous either. Who says I want to kiss you?”

“You can call that an example of my quirky sense of humor.”

“Oh, you were only joking, got it.” I rolled my eyes, but I was a little disappointed. Not because I wanted to lock lips with him, but a little flirting never killed a person. “Let's take care of the bill and I can show you my example of a good time. After eating all of this food, I could really use a good work out.”

He swallowed. “I'll do it so long as it has a PG rating.”

“Might have a thirteen tacked on to that as well, but I won't corrupt your innocence.” I winked and pulled out my wallet from my purse.

“I got it,” Jax said and handed over a credit card when the waiter came back to settle the bill. I didn't even get a chance to protest.

“Thank you,” I said quietly. A guy who paid for a date, especially one that wasn't going well, was definitely too good for me. We made plans, and I would follow through with them, but let me be clear when I say there were no big sparks and lustful thoughts. Jax intrigued me — a lot — and that was enough to make me not want to give up on the evening completely. Besides, I looked smoking hot. It had been a while since I last made the attempt at being so sexy.

When his card came back, Jax stood and waved for me to do the same. He walked next to me the entire trip to the front door, and I mean right next to me. While we didn't touch, he still made it clear that we were together, even if we weren't. Probably because the date wasn't over yet, and for at least another hour I was his. Upon opening the door, we were attacked by a bright camera flash. Immediately, Jax closed the door.

He groaned. “You've got to be kidding me.” Pulling out his cell phone, he made a call of the variety I never would have expected to hear in my life. “We're walking, lead the car away. Yes, I know, I saw all of the paparazzi. We'll be fine if we go out a side exit, no problem. If you take the car out, they might follow it. Take the night off. I should be fine.” And then he hung up. His gaze caught mine and my jaw must have been dropped or something because he raised an eyebrow. “What? Oh that's right; you don't know who I am.” He extended his hand for a shake. “Jackson Hamilton. Jax, for short.”

I dropped my purse on the spot. The contents of it spilled everywhere in an embarrassing mess. A bad thing because I didn't need him to see my kitten tissue baggie, punch card for individual pizzas at the local diner, or my book shop discount card. If he noticed any of those things, or anything else that had fallen from my purse, he didn't react. I'm pretty sure he missed it, which was a relief.

Cleaning up my explosion of stuff on the floor, I tried to not think about the fact that I was standing with Jackson Hamilton. Billionaire was the first word that came to mind when I heard that name. His father was the owner of Gizmo Corporation, so when Jax said he was high up in the company, he wasn't kidding. No wonder he was so familiar! He was the face of the company! Any time there was a new product, he gave the speeches, and he did a lot of the commercials as well. He was certainly good looking enough for the role, so it made sense. I just couldn't believe I didn't recognize him before. Then again, being made up for a camera changed things about a person's appearance. Plus, a girl like me didn't meet billionaires.

Talk about a fairytale waiting to happen. It stunk that he wasn't my type.

Chapter Three

“I'm sorry,” Jax said for about the fifth time in the span