Corrigan Fire Bloodfire - Helen Harper Page 0,2

too far. Challenge me now and it’ll be the last thing you’ll ever do, you jumped-up pussy cat.’

The grim smile on my face was answer enough for him. He bared his teeth, his skin darkening where the fur was starting to take over.

Get on your knees.

I felt the compulsion. My legs started to buckle as I was forced downwards by a pressure I was powerless to prevent. The Lord Alpha began to straighten up, an arrogant smile spreading. ‘You’ve always been too damn uppity for your own good. I’m going to enjoy this.’

I stopped myself before my knees hit the ground, no longer allowing myself to be pushed downwards. Unfortunately, however, I was frozen in place, unable to rise either.

A guttural sound ripped from his throat. On your knees.

Sweat broke out on my brow. My muscles were starting to tremble and it was taking everything I could muster not to submit to the order. His eyes widened as he registered my open defiance and, involuntarily, he took a step backwards. The act of submission was all I needed. As soon as his heel touched the floor, I was able to pull myself back upright, freed from the need to surrender to his will. I snarled and snapped out a hand, grabbing him by the throat.

‘You’re done, my Lord Alpha.’

He kicked upwards, connecting painfully with my knee. ‘Not yet I’m fucking not.’

Maintaining my balance, I tightened my grip and lifted him upwards until his feet dangled in the air. His eyes bulged but the hatred reflected in his irises was spitting proverbial darts in my direction.

‘I’ve broken your compulsion,’ I hissed. Then I threw him up and back, and his body slammed loudly into the wall.

He pushed himself upwards before barrelling towards me, his head down and his fists lashing out. A decade ago he might have managed to hit me but now he’d spent far too long resting on his laurels and allowing others to do his dirty work. I sidestepped him easily. He feinted towards me, his clothes ripping as he began to shift. I pulled back my fist and launched it towards his face with every ounce of muscle I could muster. There was a sickening crack of breaking bone as I connected with his nose and his head snapped backwards. He groaned and held up his palms, the claws that had been emerging there melting back into his human form.

‘Enough,’ he grunted, spitting out blood onto the floor.

I took a step back and folded my arms. ‘There’s no place in the Brethren for a Lord Alpha who acts as if he’s bosom buddies with the Marquis de Sade.’

‘And you’re just snapping at the bit to take my place, aren’t you? Tell me, Corrigan, how do you plan to keep the Brethren and the rural packs in line without a little force from time to time?’

I laughed, genuinely amused. ‘I don’t want to be Lord Alpha. I just want to make sure that you’re not. It’s about time the Brethren realised we’re in the twenty-first century, not the thirteenth.’

Brady stood up. ‘Right. If we’re all touchy-feely and in touch with our inner selves, then we’ll be better people.’ He snorted. ‘That’s weak. You’re weak. And I’m going to prove it to you.’ He twisted left, lunging towards the cowering Camilia Waite and dragging her upright by her hair before I could stop him. ‘Back down or I’ll break her neck.’

Her eyes were filled with terror, pleading with me. I jerked forward but he pulled away, tightening his grip on her and raising his eyebrows. ‘Try that again and she’s dead.’

I gritted my teeth. ‘You’re making a fool of yourself,’ I told him quietly. ‘All three of us know that it’s time you gave in. Let her go and I’ll allow you to walk out of here.’

‘You’ll allow me?’ he scoffed. ‘Catch a grip. I’m still Lord Alpha around here.’

‘No.’ I shook my head. ‘You ceased to be Lord Alpha the second I didn’t fall to my knees. If you were still top dog, you’d have used the Voice to get others down here to come to your aid.’ I gave him a cold smile. ‘The Voice doesn’t work for you any more, does it, Xander? The power's gone.’

His mouth twisted in mean malevolence. ‘Make a choice, Corrigan.’ He shook Camilia. ‘Submit or she’s dead.’

There was a good reason why he was doing this. Xander Brady was a canny bastard and he wanted me to save her life. His