Conrad (Savage Kings MC - South Carolina Book Series 4) - Lane Hart Page 0,3

suck it up and handle this shit on my own.

Chapter Two


* * *

Fuck. My. Life.

That’s usually the first thought I have when I wake up each morning in my dorm room.

Although, waking up and looking through the curtain of my blonde hair without a clue as to where the hell I am brings FML to a whole new level.

This wonderful morning, I come to facedown on a hardwood floor in a puddle of my own drool, my mouth so dry I can barely swallow and not a shred of clothing on my body. I could be anywhere for all I know. At least I’m not out on the streets. That’s happened just a handful of times, but I was only arrested once for being drunk and disorderly. Since I was still on probation for public intoxication and supposed to be going to AA meetings as part of my “rehabilitation,” my attorney was not a happy camper. I offered to blow him if he would stop yelling at me, and that just seemed to piss him off even more.


I will never understand them.

Most love sex and will do anything to get it, while others are sexually repressed prudes who love sex but have to pretend at least in public that it’s a horrible, awful sin.

My father is right. I’m a stupid little slut.

But when you’ve committed the ultimate sin, sleeping around doesn’t really have the same angst to it anymore. At least I’m safe now. My current boyfriend is so old he has three kids and had a vasectomy years ago before he and his ex-wife divorced, so I don’t have to worry about him knocking me up.

Something pokes me in my right ass cheek, so I find the energy to lift my head and blink my eyes open to see what it is – a shiny black shoe attached to a man’s leg.

“You need to leave,” he informs me. “My wife will be home soon.”

Ugh. I know what you’re thinking. I’m such a whore.

While that is indeed true, I am not a whore who sleeps with married men.

No, I’m a whore who is screwing an older man, my former Women’s Studies professor to be exact, who happens to have an exhibition fetish and a lot of buddies into voyeurism who happily indulge him. So while this guy may be married, what he did last night wasn’t much different than jerking off to a porno. Instead, he just jerked off while I was getting fucked on his sofa. Twice if I recall. Hard to remember many details since I was passed out drunk before we came over.

“Where’s Bob?” I croak through cracked lips.

That’s right. I’m sleeping with my former professor who is old enough to be my father and has the least attractive name ever.

“He left an hour ago to make his early class.”

“Right,” I mutter. Getting to class on time is much more important than making sure the girl he’s screwing gets home okay. What if his buddy was more than a voyeur and fucked me while I was unconscious?

It wouldn’t be the first time.

A few weeks ago, I woke up to a fifty-something man wheezing and moving on top of me. He had somehow shoved his limp dick inside of me, but it was still refusing to cooperate. Seeing me look up at him didn’t faze him at all. Didn’t even miss a strained thrust. Only when I started throwing up did he finally stop trying to fuck me.

If it were feasible to hate myself even more than I already do I would, but when you’ve hit rock bottom, it’s impossible to go any lower.

For the first time in my life I’m actually free, though, which is all that matters. I can screw who I want, drink as much as I want, and nobody will stop me.

I’m certainly not with Bob because he’s the loving father figure I was missing in my life. No, he’s just been very sexually liberating. He’s never criticized me for being promiscuous or enjoying some of the more taboo fetishes like being fucked in public or being watched. In fact, he encourages me to embrace my sexuality and to stop worrying about what society or my father thinks about my choices.

Although, it would be nice if he cared a little bit more for my well-being and didn’t abandon me in random places with strangers.

I finally push myself up into a sitting position and glance around the formal sitting room with fancy sofas and an