Cocky Doc - Samantha Lind Page 0,4

easy and I hope that we can become friends.

I close my locker, spin my chair around, and start to roll down the aisle to leave the staff lounge. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” I call out to her.

“Hello again,” a deep voice, belonging to Drew, greets me from around the corner as I reach the end of the aisle.

“Hi!” I squeak out in surprise.

“Sorry to scare you. How was your day?” he asks, his question sincere.

“It was great. Tiring, but great!” I tell him. “I love what I do. I love getting to be a small bright spot in a kid’s day. Especially when their days can be filled with so much pain and not fun moments. And my training partner was amazing, as well,” I tell him.

“I understand completely.” He asks, “Who did they pair you with?”

“Lucy,” I tell him, just as she approaches the two of us.

“Drew, be nice to this one. She’s a hell of a CLS,” Lucy says.

“I’m always nice.” He playfully scowls at her. I move my chair slightly so that I can more easily see the two of them. There is an easiness between them, and I can’t put my finger on if it’s just co-worker ease or something else.

“Be careful around this one,” Lucy tells me. “He likes to prank people.”

“Don’t be giving away all my secrets now,” he scoffs.

“Start acting your age and not that of your patients,” she volleys back at him.

“Never, where’s the fun in that?” he asks.

“Anyways, don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Lucy says to me. “I’ll see you at Grandma’s this weekend,” she calls out to Drew before leaving the two of us.

“So, I take it you’re related?” I ask him, feeling a sense of relief that the familiarity between them isn’t due to a relationship, but because they’re related somehow.

“Yep, she’s my cousin. We have a sibling-like relationship, at times, if you didn’t figure that out already from our banter.”

“She’s really nice! I really enjoyed working with her today,” I tell him again.

“She’s the best,” he agrees with me. “So, are you new to the area, or just the hospital?” he asks, taking a seat on the bench that runs between the bays of lockers. I always find myself having to look up at people, as my chair only rises up so far, so for someone to bring themselves to my level puts us on a more even level, and makes things a little more comfortable for me.

“Both. I moved here from Nebraska for the job. The hospital had a recruiter at one of the end of school year job fairs that I attended. I was interviewed in person at that event and then had a final one over Skype.”

“Ah, nice. Let me guess, you’re a Husker, then?” he asks, referring to my alma mater.

“How’d you guess?” I ask, a small smile tugging at the corner of my lips.

“Lucky one, I guess,” he replies, a smile filling his own lips. “That, and your water bottle there has the logo.” He points to the pocket on the side of my chair. “Did you get a chance to see Mack today?” he asks, changing the subject.

“I did. She was my last patient of the day. Her vitals had finally stabilized. We headed down to the playroom and she had fun for about a half hour before feeling like she needed to go back to bed.”

“Good. I’m hoping we’ll have a new heart for her within the next couple of weeks. Poor kid can’t catch a break.”

“I gathered that from her chart. I’ll make sure to stop in and see her daily,” I tell him.

“I’m sure she’d like that.”

“Well, it was nice to meet you, and I’m sure we’ll see each other again. Sorry again about earlier.”

“Nothing to be sorry about. It was completely my fault. Teaches me to text and walk, not paying attention to where I’m going.”

“Have a nice night, Drew,” I say before heading for the door.

“Night, Megan,” he calls out over his shoulder.

I look back over my shoulder just as he pulls his scrub top off in that totally sexy one-handed move that guys do, and about swallow my own tongue. The man is covered in muscles. Ones that I wouldn’t mind tracing with my tongue. Where the hell did that thought come from? Oh yes, my completely sex-deprived mind.

I quickly look away, not wanting him to think I’m sitting here gawking at him while he changes in front of his locker. I just landed this