Clutch (Satan's Fury MC #4) - L. Wilder Page 0,4

It was obvious that someone was watching us, but I just didn’t know why. When I talked to the police about what we’d seen, they were sympathetic, but there wasn’t much they could do since we didn’t have the license plate number or even a basic description of the driver. When I came home to find that someone had been in my apartment, I was at my limit, scared and confused, and had no idea what I should do.

Then, things got even worse.

Hadley was on the way to the car rider line when she noticed a strange man watching her. Something about him scared her, so she left the line and ran back towards the school building. When she looked back, she noticed that he was following her. Completely terrified, she rushed to the office and explained what she’d seen to the principal and the secretary. They went to investigate, but the stranger was no longer there. The police were called in too, but once again, they weren’t able to do anything to help us.

Feeling completely frustrated, I called the only person that I felt like I could trust: Detective Brakeman. He was the lead officer in charge of my parents’ case, and he’d been the only one that seemed to listen.

When I called, he immediately answered. “Hi, Olivia. I was just about to call you. I just heard about what happened at the school. Is Hadley okay?”

“Other than being totally freaked out that someone was after her, she’s fine,” I told him as I tried to control the tremble in my voice.

“Now, Olivia. We don’t even know if this man was really pursuing your sister. It could have been nothing … a parent or a substitute. I know you’re traumatized, but like I've said, whoever killed your parents could have easily gotten your siblings too, if that was their aim. Why do you think someone is after your sister?"

“I’m not sure. I was hoping that you could tell me that. Maybe they think the kids saw something the night my parents were killed.”

“Maybe. Has your brother remembered anything else about that night or the two men he saw in the hallway?” he asked.

“No. He’s tried, but he hasn’t come up with anything new. Honestly, I think he’s too upset to think straight. He doesn’t feel safe here,” I explained. “None of us do.”

“I’ve got units patrolling your apartment by the hour. I’m doing everything I can.”

“I know, and I appreciate all that you have been trying to do, but it just isn’t enough. It’s time to get the kids out of here … at least until you find the people who murdered my parents.”

“Olivia … just give it some time. If anything else happens with you or the kids …”

I stopped him before he could continue and asked, “What would you do if you were in my shoes, Detective Brakeman? Hadley and Charlie are all I have left. Would you just give it some time?”

He let out a sigh and admitted, “No … No, I wouldn’t. So where do you think you will go?”

“I don’t know yet, but I’ll think of something,” I answered.

“When you figure it out, let me know. I’ll do what I can to help,” he offered.

“Thank you. I will be in touch as soon as I get us somewhere safe and settled,” I promised.

As soon as I got off the phone, I went straight to the bank and liquidated all of our accounts, trying to get my hands on as much cash as I could. On my way home, I stopped by the house to check my parents’ safe for any money or jewelry they may have hidden. Luckily, my father had several thousand dollars squirrelled away. I took everything that was there, and when I got back to the apartment, I packed us up and we left, leaving our home and everyone we knew behind. I had no idea where I was headed or what I was going to do when I got there. I just knew we couldn’t stay in Boston a minute longer.

As soon as I started the car, Hadley started in on me with the questions. “Where are we going?”

I glanced over in her direction, instantly noticing the serious expression on her face. She’d always been one to worry about things, and with everything up in the air, she was more concerned than ever. I shrugged and answered, “I’m not sure yet.”

She pulled at the end of her ponytail and pushed