Claiming His Human (Rogues) - Jenika Snow Page 0,3

another corner, their weapons trained, a human came out and attacked Tolcan. He was momentarily surprised that the scanner hadn’t picked up the human, but as Tolcan took in the sight of the male covered in mud and moss, it was clear he’d done so to try to hide from them.

Tolcan shoved the male away with enough force he slammed into the wall across from him. Pieces of moss fell from him, and the scent of minerals mixed in with the dirt came through.

Tolcan aimed his tranq gun and fired. The flash of light went into the human’s chest, causing his eyes to widen right before he slumped to the ground, unconscious.

“Let’s move. If he knows we’re here, the others might as well.”

Stellan nodded, and they moved closer. Tolcan pressed the location switch on his GPS wrist device, alerting the other warriors above that they were making their move. If any of the humans tried to escape through an alternate exit the Enforcers above would be prepared.

Tolcan heard the whispered, frantic murmurs just ahead, and signaled for Stellan to stay close and be ready. They rounded the corner, saw a small opening off to the side immediately, and noticed several of the humans moving through it. Tolcan raised his gun and started firing off shots.

He was precise, exact in his aim, and had three down within a matter of seconds. Screams erupted, and some of the more prime male humans came forward, fighting back. They were easy enough to take down, especially since they were so small compared to Rogues, and were also weaponless.

Tolcan moved into the cave, saw a man grab a female’s arm, tugging her toward the exit, and lifted his tranq gun toward the humans. But when the female turned around, her dark hair a wild mess around her frightened face, and her strange colored eyes watching him with fear, everything in him froze. Maybe it was the anomaly of her eye color that transfixed him? One was green, and the other was blue. Or maybe it was the fact that she looked at him with a hint of pleading, a vulnerability that had everything inside of him freezing, and the very male, very primal part of him waking up and taking notice.

He wanted her, and even if it was the most ludicrous thing to want, to desire, it was undeniable. Tolcan had never wanted a female, not even as a concubine as so many of his kind took. He slept with female Rogues, found pleasure in his own kind, but for some reason he was hard, aroused for this human, and she did nothing but stare at him with fear and innocence.

Stellan moved toward her after the human male that had been trying to pull her in the opposite direction dropped to the floor. She looked so frightened, backing into the corner, and when Stellan was close enough she kicked out, landing a blow between Stellan’s legs. Tolcan was surprised at the feistiness in her, but he was more shocked at the fact that he was just standing here, looking at her, wanting her.

Tolcan came closer, and her eyes widened as she took in his size.

“Stay back,” she spoke in her native language. All Rogues knew the humans’ language, but he doubted she’d been versed in his. Tolcan didn’t respond, but before he could stop it Stellan shot her with the tranq gun. She gasped before instantly passing out.

Fuck, he thought, not about to voice that to Stellan. Showing any emotion for a species his kind deemed lesser would make Tolcan seem like a traitor, a sympathizer. There had been a few in the last thirty years that thought the humans and Rogues could live beside each other. Those had been deemed betrayers of their people, and sent off to the cells beneath the Royals’ homes to live out the rest of their days. And for a Rogue that was a long fucking time since their lifespan was double that of a human.

“She’s one that has a lot of spirit,” Stellan said and bent down to touch the female. “She’ll make a good breeder, produce good warriors.”

“I’ll take her,” Tolcan said. He picked her up before Stellan could touch her, and knew that something with him was very wrong. He shouldn’t have wanted her for anything more than to hand her over to the Royal Guard, but for some reason this thing had awakened in him, demanding he at least entertain this emotion.

Stellan looked at him