Claiming Her - Tory Baker Page 0,5

her toward my office door. By the time we leave her place and get to mine, we’ll both be hungry and tired.

“Gee, this is going to be a bundle of fun to deal with,” she smarts off.

“I know. With any luck, we’ll get this handled quickly. No one wants to see you get hurt though, most of all me,” I breathe out, feeling her body tense up, but ignoring it while we’re walking.

“Night, you two,” Bridger smarts off.

“Later,” I grumble. Taylor’s hand smacks into my stomach as if to say I should use my manners. She may be right, but if she heard the shit out of Bridger’s mouth on a daily basis, I’m sure she would be shocked to an early grave.

“Bye, Bridger. Where’s Drake?” she asks.

“He took off earlier. Knowing him, he’s standing over the forensic technician’s back, watching over every little thing. It doesn’t hurt that she’s a looker, either.” Bridger winks. I shake my head. Those two… The poor unsuspecting women that get stuck with them, I’m feeling sorry for them already, and they’re just a figment of my imagination right now.

“Keep me posted. I’ll have my cell on me.” I nod at him, then we walk out the door. Taylor pauses at her car door. It’s in good shape. Something Travis wouldn’t budge on was allowing her to have a garbage vehicle, not with the weather we get here. Still, I’d rather see her in something bigger than the car she has for the time being.

“This is me.” For the first time today, she acts shy around me, and I don’t like it.

“Taylor,” I say to get her attention. When she still doesn’t look me in the eye, I tip her chin up and dip down so I’m on her level. “It’s okay. You don’t have to be shy or nervous. We’ll navigate this together.”

“Okay, thank you, Slade. I know Travis wrangled you into this mess, but if it ever gets to be too much, let me know, okay? I can figure something else out instead.” Her green eyes tell me everything she’s feeling.

“I promise, but that won’t happen.” I kiss her forehead, open the door for her, watching her until her car starts. I don’t let on that I had the guys scan her car to make sure there wasn’t anything suspicious.

I climb into my own truck and follow her back to where my morning started. Maybe this time I can explain to her how she needs a stronger lock, to turn her shit off, and to be more aware of her surroundings when she comes and goes. I’ll also be getting the other letters that I saw on her kitchen counter this morning.



The whole way to my place, my eyes were either on the road or looking in the review mirror to see Slade, not that I could actually see him. His truck windows are so dark that even when I was straining to see him, I couldn’t.

By the time we make it into my complex, dusk is setting, and the streetlights are starting to come on. I pull into my designated spot and Slade parks beside me, not even caring that it’s assigned to my neighbor. My eyes are glued to the way he climbs out of his monstrosity of a vehicle.

“That man is too hot for words. The kicker is he probably knows it,” I mumble to myself as I climb out of my car, grabbing my bag. By the time I go to shut my door, Slade is at my side. His hand slides to my lower back.

“Come on, Trouble. Let’s see what all you need to pack and how much of a pack mule I’ll be.”

“Be still my heart. Did you make a joke?” I stop in my tracks. The hand not holding my bag is over my heart, in utter shock.

“Trouble, that’s you. The best kind of trouble there is, though.” I’m caught in his gaze.

“I highly doubt that.” We continue to my place, and Slade takes my keys out of my hand when we arrive at my door.

“Stay right by the door. Let me clear it before you go inside.” Slade unlocks my door with ease. It has me wondering just how many doors he unlocks for clients.

“Sure.” I visibly swallow, trying not to get my hackles up about the possibilities of him helping other women. I’m not sure where this ridiculous idea came from. It’s not like we’re dating; this is his job.

Slade takes his gun