Chumming with a Great White - Charlie Richards Page 0,2

that time, the man hadn’t moved.

Eban spotted a woman glancing the guy’s way, her brows creased in an expression of concern. Catching her eye, he smiled at her and tapped the word security on his World of Aquatica shirt. She smiled and nodded, then returned her attention to the children with her.

Pausing a couple of feet from the man, Eban inhaled, intending to speak. The man’s fragrance coated his nostrils, and he almost let the breath out on a moan. The human’s earthy, masculine aroma was just about the best damn thing Eban had ever scented.


Eban sucked in a sharp gasp as the realization burst through his brain like a wrecking ball. Arousal surged through his body, causing his blood to flow south. His fingers twitched with the need to touch the man before him.

Then Eban took in the state of his mate once more.

Right. Gotta help him first.

Clearing his throat, Eban mentally pulled his head out of his ass. “Excuse me, sir,” he greeted softly. When that didn’t get the man to stop focusing on the floor, Eban stepped even closer and touched his elbow. “Sir?”

Wish I knew his name.

The human jolted from Eban’s touch. His head snapped up even as his balance wobbled. A grunt of pain escaped his lips, and he placed his free hand on the glass to steady himself.

“My apologies for startling you, handsome,” Eban rumbled, gripping the man’s upper arm in the hopes of offering support. “I’m Eban O’Gillie. I’m in security here. We thought you may need assistance.”

The human’s brown eyes narrowed a little as he looked up at him. “Why would I need assistance? I’m just standing here looking at the fish.” As he spoke, he attempted to pull his arm from Eban’s grip, but his unsteadiness made it difficult.

Even as Eban scented the lie, he eased his grip and lifted both hands in placation. He immediately wanted to touch again. Still, since his mate didn’t seem amenable to that, yet, he didn’t.

“I don’t mean to presume,” Eban began slowly. Knowing the man really did need assistance, and with his shifter instincts screaming at him to care for his mate, he tried again. Eban didn’t want to embarrass the man, so he pitched his voice low as he spoke. “You’re pale. Your skin is clammy, and you seem a little unsteady on your feet.” Giving the man an encouraging smile, Eban added, “If you’re diabetic and need some food, I’d be happy to escort you to one of our restaurants.”


The human took a clearly painful step, snapping his mouth shut. Wincing and keeping quite a bit of weight on his cane and the other hand on the glass wall, he growled under his breath. He paused, heaved a sigh, then focused on Eban.

“Yeah, I guess I do need a hand. Overdid it,” he grumbled. “I just need to get to the cart outside.” Frowning, he muttered, “Getting down that ramp was harder than I thought it’d be.”

Eban nodded. While he didn’t understand what caused his mate’s pain, it was obvious he was recovering from something. “I’d be happy to help.” Slotting up close to the man, Eban wrapped his arm around his waist. His palm warmed where he rested it on the man’s hip, feeling hard muscle beneath the jeans. “Lean on me, and we’ll get you somewhere to get off what ails you.”

“Thanks,” the man mumbled, leaning against him and allowing him to help.

As they moved slowly up the ramp, Eban struggled with what to say. He’d never been the most sociable guy, but this was his mate. He needed to know at least something about him so he could find him again.

“I’m Eban,” he repeated. “What’s your name?”

“Graham,” the human replied.

Eban nodded. “So, Graham, are you here with a group? Spouse? Family? Friends?” Realizing he sounded like he was putting the man through an inquisition, he quickly added, “What brought you to World of Aquatica today?”

To Eban’s relief, Graham answered his awkward questions.

“Came with Cuzco to see the tiger shark show.” Graham hissed, pausing for a second. Beads of sweat popped out on his forehead. “He works here. You know him?”

“Yeah, I know Cuzco,” Eban replied, nodding. The other shifter shared his spirit with a small coconut octopus. “I believe he just went on shift.”

That would explain why Graham was on his own.

Graham nodded. “Yeah.”

They started moving again, and Eban saw the exit coming into view. His heartbeat sped up as he realized his time with his mate was coming