CHERUB: The Sleepwalker - Robert Muchamore Page 0,4

bottoms while the other thumped into his chest, pinning his body against the seatbacks. The blow knocked the wind out of him, but it was less painful than going head first into the aircraft window would have been.

The hands were all that kept Angus from crashing into the luggage bins and light fittings as the aircraft continued to roll. People screamed as they realised the aircraft was flying upside down. Angus’ legs dangled as plastic cups, spectacles, meal trays and iPods rained on the plastic ceiling. The long hair of a woman in the row behind hung over her head and a steward who’d been walking along the aisle slammed into the roof.

But there was some relief as the roll continued and the jet came full circle. Although the aircraft continued to shudder, some sense of normality returned as people realised that they were back the right way up and apparently staying there.

‘Everybody get in your seats and fasten your belts,’ a steward shouted tersely as he stepped over the debris in the aisle and rushed to help his stricken colleague.

The interior of the jet became oddly calm as people, not knowing what to expect, cast their eyes upwards as if awaiting instructions from god.

Too stunned to speak, Angus found himself being manhandled by the three adults he was lying across. He was soon standing in the aisle, facing the embarrassing reality of tracksuit bottoms down to his knees.

But people had other things on their minds, and even Megan was too shocked to smirk as her mother tugged Angus back to his seat.

‘Sit down and pull your belt on tight, sweetheart. Are you OK?’

Angus’ chest hurt where he’d been pinned against the seatbacks, but it wasn’t bad and he gave his mum a reassuring nod, before turning to thank the stocky man who’d saved him from a nasty bump on the head.

‘What happened?’ Megan asked.

Her grandmother reached across and put a hand on the girl’s knee. ‘It was probably just turbulence, sweetie.’

‘But there was that big bang,’ Angus said anxiously, searching for the Gameboy he’d left resting on his seat.

A calm female voice came over the intercom. ‘Ladies and gentlemen, I’m Maxine O’Connor, your co-pilot. We appear to have suffered a mechanical failure and my colleagues and I are currently trying to establish the exact cause. In the meantime, please stay in your seats with your seatbelts tightly fastened and keep the aisles clear to enable the crew to access any injured or distressed passengers. Also we appear to have some injuries, so if there is a doctor or other medical practitioner onboard, we would appreciate it if you could make yourself known to the cabin crew at this time.’


Lauren wanted a chance for a good talk with Bethany, so she was pleased when Coral found a couple of playmates and started chasing around the car park.

The two teams of four boys were wheeling the golf carts out of the workshop into the open air. Several had taken off their overalls and Bethany was surprised by James’ look. While she’d been away, he’d let his hair get longer, he wore a silver stud in one ear, a black short-sleeved shirt, ripped Diesel jeans and a pair of skateboarder shoes with fat red laces.

‘What happened to football shirts and trackies?’ Bethany asked, clearly – but reluctantly – impressed by the transformation.

‘He’s still going out with Dana,’ Lauren explained. ‘She kept taking the mickey at how he dressed like a chav and he’s got totally vain. You see how he leaves the top two buttons of his shirt undone? He’s been working his chest in the gym and wants everyone to know it.’

‘That’s sick,’ Bethany laughed.

‘A bit camp if you ask me,’ Lauren smirked.

‘Definitely a big improvement though,’ Bethany said. ‘So what about you and Rat?’

Bethany had more experience with boys than Lauren, who recoiled half a step with embarrassment. ‘We’re still good mates, you know?’

‘Who cares about that?’ Bethany tutted. ‘I want to hear about tangled tongues and fingers roaming inside forbidden garments.’

‘Every now and then we end up doing something,’ Lauren said, feeling more and more awkward. ‘Like, if there’s a birthday party and there’s a lot of snogging going on.’

A yell came out of the workshop and everyone went quiet and turned towards Terry Campbell. His long white beard and cable-knit jumper made him look like a man who spent his weekends tinkering with steam engines, but he was arguably the smartest man on campus.

As director of CHERUB’s