Chasing the Shadows - Maria V. Snyder Page 0,3

the research base dead—killed by HoLFs.

When the shadow-blobs appeared in our pits after a similar raid, I speculated that the Warriors were protecting us from the HoLFs and, when they were broken or stolen by the looters, the Warriors could no longer do their job. Let’s just say the others are skeptical about my theory.

At least they believed me about the invisible-to-them blobs…eventually. It took an attack where Beau almost died and a bunch of us were injured for them to trust me. As to why I’m the only one who can see them, I think it’s because I touched a Warrior Heart. We found these lifelike human hearts crafted from a strange black material in a factory below the pits. Despite a lifetime of knowing better—sorry again, Mom—I picked one up. Or I tried. The heart disintegrated into nothing as an icy cold stabbed my hand and traveled up my arm. My explanation about my super power hasn’t been met with much enthusiasm either.

“When do you want me to talk to the astrophysicists?” I ask. Then a more important question pops to mind. “Does this mean I can leave security? Oooh, I can dye my hair blonde and wear a disguise!”

“You can’t risk being recognized, Ara,” Radcliff says.


“They’re coming to my office at oh-seven-hundred tomorrow.” He gives me an evil little grin. “Don’t worry, you won’t miss training.”

Uncomplimentary thoughts whirl, but I wisely keep them to myself.

“Do you want us to be there as well?” Mom asks me.

Nice of her not to add “in case you freak out” in front of the Radcliffs. “I’ll be fine, Mom.” Besides, I prefer to have my freak outs in private.

The rest of dinner is more…normal—for lack of a better word. My mom pulls me aside before she leaves with a let-me-know-if-you-change-your-mind talk. I refrain from rolling my eyes.

After dinner’s cleaned up, Niall and I collapse onto the couch. Radcliff goes into his bedroom to work. He shuts the door, giving us the illusion of privacy.

Niall drapes his arm around my shoulders and tucks me close. I rest my head on his chest, breathing in his unique scent of sage grass and soaking in his body heat. The tension flows from my sore muscles. For a while, we’re content to just sit.

“I’ll be watching the cameras tomorrow morning until oh-eight-hundred if you need me,” Niall says.

I groan. “Not you, too.”

“Can you blame us?”


He chuckles. It’s a deep masculine sound that vibrates against my cheek. “Can you say that without sounding grumpy?”


He waits.

“I just need everyone to stop being so…careful with me. If Elese invites me over for a sleepover one more time, I’ll…” The proper description fails me.

“Why is that bad?”

“It’s her cure for PTSD.”

He pulls back to look down at me. “Do you—”

“No. I’ve no symptoms.”

He studies me. “Maybe she’s just being friendly.”

“Well after eight hours of her torturing me, I’m not inclined to spend my free time with her. I’d rather spend it with you.”

“I can’t argue with that.” He closes the distance between us.

I tilt my head back as his lips touch mine. Fire ignites in my core, burning away all my peevishness. Instead, my world fills with Niall. The minty taste of him on my tongue, the smell of his shampoo and his hands under my shirt, caressing my skin. I straddle him. He reaches higher and sucks in a breath.

Breaking away, he stares at me. “You’re…not wearing…”

“My ribs are sore.”

Niall closes his eyes. “You’re making it very difficult for me to be the sensible one. My father…”

We both glance at Radcliff’s bedroom door. I sigh and sit next to him.

He takes my hand. “On my next day off, we’ll have another proper date.”

I squeeze his fingers. “That would be lovely.” I wait a beat. “What are the chances of you getting a day off?”

“Ah…well, what’s that expression…? It’s the thought that counts.”

It does. But it’s too bad that the eleven people comprising the security force are not enough. Then again, no one expected shadow-blobs and murdering looters at a scientific research base on the edge of Explored Space. A Protector Class ship is enroute, but it’s going to take another year and a half for it to arrive.

“How are the techs doing?” I ask. Since the pits are closed, Mom lent Radcliff her idle techs to help with security.

“About what you’d expect from a group of people who have no interest in anything other than archeology.”

“That good, eh?”

“We set up another monitoring station on the other side of