Charity Case - The Complete Series - Piper Rayne Page 0,3

other than me were sitting across from him, they’d probably think that was a horrible statement for a father to say, but truth is, Pete knows who he is, and he doesn’t apologize for it. He’s a workaholic defense attorney who works unhealthy hours. His only true time off is during the two weekends a month when he has Jade.

“I know it will be difficult, but I think it’ll be good for Jade to be surrounded by the rest of her family. Besides this’ll get you back in Chicago to see your parents more often and I’m sure they’ll like that.”

“Quit while you’re ahead, Vic.” He gives me a sad smile. “Have you found a job yet?”

I glance down at the table for a second. “Not yet.”

“There’s always McDonalds to fall back on.”

“You know I can’t cook.” I break the somber mood quickly overtaking our table. “Or grill.” I add, and we share a smile, both remembering our grill catching on fire on the patio of the house we shared when we were married. Needless to say, we never owned a grill again and Pete decided when people come over for dinner we cater.

The waitress sets the drink next to the shot glass. “Did you need a few minutes?”

“I think I lost my appetite.” Pete hands her the menu.

“Come on. If you’re going to drink that much.” I eye his filled glass. “Then you’re going to eat food. You brought me here, tell me what’s good.”

Okay, I admit it. I’m playing him. You don’t go through a marriage like ours, one where you practically grew up together and not know what can turn a night around. Pete suggested this restaurant to show off. He loves to order for people, watch them eat something he was certain they’d like. I tell him I’m moving his daughter over two-thousand miles away and I’m letting him do what he loves. It’s a win-win situation for both of us.

He studies me for a second and I’m double guessing my tactic before he finally speaks.

“We want all tacos.” He smiles and then orders what’s clearly more food than we’ll consume.

“How long are we going to be here?” I ask once the waitress has left to tell the kitchen table seventeen will need barf bags included with their meals.

“Deal is if you want my daughter, you eat all the tacos.” There’s not one wrinkle of amusement on his face. Although, I’ve never really gotten the lawyer side of Pete the entire time I’ve known him, I can’t help but think this is what he looks like when he’s negotiating at work.


A smile cracks his composure and he shakes his head. “I always did hate your tenacity.”

“I hate the way you turn everything into a negotiation.” I smile back at him.

He nods understanding our own secret language. Usually I’d leave it at that, but the fact that he’s allowing me to take Jade away says what kind of a man Pete really is and as much as I hate having to say the words, he deserves to hear them. “Thank you, Pete.”

He nods again. “You just better make me up a room because we’re going to have some sleepovers.”


Chapter Three

The next day at the office, my stomach isn’t sinking to depths I didn’t know it had. I’m leisurely going through emails, flipping through some resumes that Heather from HR sent over that she kept on file. Not that I have the final say, but Jagger being Jagger has told Heather that everyone will be cleared by me before he sees them.

I swear, that man.

It’s ten o’clock and Jagger hasn’t called to tell me he’s not coming in or going to be late. I have to remember that the schedule the man used to keep has been knocked off its axis by a pretty brunette.

The elevator dings and I wait to see who rounds the corner. There’s my boss in his usual three-piece suit. I’m not going to lie, Jagger is a good-looking guy, but he reminds me way too much of Pete.

“Good morning.” He inserts his key into the lock on his office door.

“You’re being awfully polite.” I stand to follow him in, our normal routine.

“I see you didn’t bring me coffee.” He eyes my hands as he pushes the door open and flicks on the lights.

“I don’t have bad news today.” I laugh, and his nostrils flare a little as he inhales.

Not at the joking stage yet. Got it.

“Lucky for you, the love of my life