Chaotic (Imperfect Perfection) - By C.A. Williams Page 0,3

school education to good use? Embarrassing.”

I took a deep breath to calm myself down. I knew she was just trying to push my buttons and she knew exactly how to do it. Yes, I hadn’t gone to a four-year college right away like everyone else, but I really didn’t feel like I was ready. I had all ready gone through so much, I just felt like I needed a bit of a breather.

My mother snapped her fingers in front of my face, and I quickly looked up at that scowl focused at me. “Really, Adelaide, are you still high? Please pay attention. Don’t think I will allow you to sit around on your pampered ass and spend all of Gerald’s money. That is not going to happen. You need to figure out what you are doing, pronto.”

Wow. And what exactly did she do? At least I actually cleaned up after myself. Most of the time. Our maid, Belinda, basically had to trail behind my mother to answer to her every whim.

“You have got to be kidding me; you know I need a little bit of time to figure things out. I’ve been going to my therapy sessions like we agreed, and my grades weren’t that horrible, I’m sure I’ll be able to be get in somewhere eventually.”

“Oh, I’m far from kidding, Adelaide. Yes, you have been going to those little therapy sessions, but it doesn’t seem as if they are helping in the least bit. You are still out of control, and I just cannot handle you for much longer.” I rolled my eyes and slammed the door in her face, the sound echoing through my room. Couldn’t handle me for much longer? Really, when did she ever deal with me besides when I got in really deep shit? Other than that I was basically on my own.

I had no clue what I wanted to do with the rest of my life, and although the rest of my friends were going off to their fancy schools, I just had no motivation to join them.


“The ladies are here, the party can begin!” My lips curved into a smile the minute the three of us stepped through the door and just like always we were greeted as if we were royalty. It felt good having everyone back around for a little while. I hadn’t really made any real friends at MCCC, so these people were the closest to friends that I had.

My stomach fluttered just a little, knowing that after today this would all be gone again. Marley and Madison were leaving first thing tomorrow to set up the house they would be sharing near campus about four hours away. They had somehow braved out the dorms for two years, and as their reward, Madison’s father had bought them a house close to campus.

They had really started to get excited lately and were constantly talking about decorating details and all the hot parties they would be going to. It felt sort of weird to be excluded by them. I had always been on top; people flocked to be my friend and were let down if I rejected them. Now, I was the outsider.

The three of us found a seat and were instantly handed drinks by the party’s host, Ian Jennings. Ian’s parties were always epic, his parents were almost always gone and left him with no supervision. Even my mother had never been that stupid. There was always some maid or cook around to keep somewhat of a watchful eye on me, at home at least.

I downed the shot, letting the burning liquid wash down my throat, before handing the empty glass back to Ian. It was nice not having to worry about the cameras around anymore. Of course, the show hadn’t condoned underage drinking, they tended just to show the after effects and the drama that sometimes followed getting completely shit-faced. The producers of the show had followed different groups around at school, wanting to get a diversified feeling, but they seemed to find ours the most appealing and show worthy.

“Nice, Adelaide. Getting started early, huh? This should be a fun night, it’s time for a celebration.” Ian smirked at me before standing up and heading back towards the kitchen, presumably to get me another drink if he knew what was good for him.

“Uh-oh Adelaide, I think someone wants to hook up,” Marley sang out, her eyes following Ian until he disappeared through the crowd of people gathered around. I watched