Capture (Elite Supernatural Trackers #2) - Heather Renee Page 0,3

little more every day.

Chapter 2

The previous night, I slept like shit in Jaxon’s bed. His smell was extra heavy, like he’d marked his territory just to further piss me off. Nixie was cranky as well, and I wondered if we were both tired or just PMSing.

Both were possible since I was due for my period anytime. Thankfully, witches only had cycles every few months. I’d have to ask Nixie—when I wasn’t so cranky from lack of sleep—if periods were a thing for fairies, too. She was one lucky bitch if not.

“Good morning,” Blake said warily, already sensing my mood.

Glancing around, I confirmed Jaxon was gone and settled onto the couch. “Morning.”

“I take it the sandman wasn’t your friend last night?” he asked.

“Not exactly. Where are the others?”

“Jaxon went for a run and the other two are getting food. Want to get Nixie and join them with me?” As soon as the words left his mouth, I had an idea, but hid my excitement.

“I’m exhausted. Do you think you could just bring me back a bagel and some bacon? Oh, and definitely coffee. Two cups if possible.” My mouth was already watering, and I hoped we made it back in time to still enjoy my liquid gold while it was still steaming.

He eyed me suspiciously, but before he could question my motives, Nixie shrieked. “I’ll let you check on her while I head out.” Then, he was out the door, avoiding whatever fit my fairy friend might have been having.

Even though the guys had accepted her as a part of our group, they were smart enough to acknowledge what she was capable of and kept some sort of distance.

Racing back into Jaxon’s room, I searched for her, but couldn’t see her silver hair or wing anywhere. “Nixie?”

“Down here,” she snarled.

After taking a step around the full-size bed, I found Nixie tangled in a pair of Jaxon’s boxer briefs and covered my mouth to suppress the laughter.

“It’s not funny. My wing is stuck in the junk hole. Get me out!” She was having a massive fit with fairy dust flying everywhere, and while I normally would have let her suffer a little longer, we didn’t have much time to waste.

Once she was free of Jaxon’s underwear, I set her on the dresser. “As much as I’d love to hear how you ended up down there, we need to go see the warden. We have a rare moment of freedom and need to get permission from Gillian to go see Greggor.”

Her eyes lit up with glee. “Those idiots left us alone even after we told them we had a secret?”

“Yes. Now, let’s go.” I threw a sweatshirt over my head and kept my yoga pants on that I’d slept in. Normally when I left the lair, I was either wearing workout gear or the hideous yellow jumpsuit, but I didn’t have time to change, and the stretchy pants would pass well enough for workout attire if someone questioned me.

Grabbing Nixie, I darted to the front door, peeking out before stepping into the hallway. The coast was clear, and I made a run for it with Nixie tucked into the front pocket of my sweatshirt. We passed a guard, but I waved instead of getting nervous, and he simply glared as I commented about changing up my morning run routine.

Thankfully, even though the guards mostly hated that our group had certain freedoms, they didn’t bother us. Not since Brent was killed. It had been a message to all of the guards that we weren’t to be messed with.

Deacon was nowhere to be seen, but Alex was leering over the counter. “What do you want?” he spat.

Alex was the guard to replace Brent. He was just as surly as the vampire had been, but more bark than bite. The warlock was lanky with no muscle on him, relying completely on his power when he needed it, which I hoped would one day be his downfall.

“I need to see Warden Gillian,” I said with authority in my voice, letting just a bit of my persuasion through.

“Fine. Just knock first.” The warlock glared his beady eyes and sat back down as soon as I nodded, then he resumed playing on his phone.

Before I could even raise my hand, Warden Gillian was already opening the door. “Good morning, Cara. To what do I owe this pleasure?” His gaze went behind me, likely looking for the Fabled Four.

“I’d like to have a quick word with you if possible.”

He nodded,