Canyon's Choice - Taylor Rylan Page 0,3

nervous around Aspen, because…you know.”

“Well, that’s a bit difficult to do. But I think he’s okay. Forest did what he needed to do to save his mate. Any of us would have done the same thing. Don’t think for a second that Sterling wouldn’t. I know he would,” I said.

“You’re right. I would. Love, I told you it was impossible to keep something like this from a pack.” Sterling reached down and picked Dane up from my lap, the boy more than happy to go to his daddy. “Forest said you were needed in his office,” Sterling told me as he held his son up and over his head, causing Dane to giggle.

“Thanks, Sterling,” I said. I gave Wren’s knee a pat before I got up and then headed to Forest’s office. I hadn’t yet had the pleasure of meeting the fates, but I was told it was something that I’d not forget, ever. And not that I really expected anything to come from this meeting, except to be told that they’d made another mistake and to just wait my turn.

I heard arguing before I even got to Forest’s office, and that had me picking up my pace a bit. If I’d not been so concerned about the raised voices, I would have noticed my wolf a bit more, but by the time I was in the office, it was too late and I was already in the room, fighting my wolf for control and trying to make heads or tails of everything going on. Something smelled absolutely wonderful. No, not something. Someone. I zeroed in on the only person in the room I was unfamiliar with.

“Canyon? You okay?” Forest asked. I nodded but couldn’t take my eyes off the tall, slender man in the room. I’d never seen him before, and wasn’t sure who he was, except for the fact that my wolf was screaming mate! But why were Tucker and Jude arguing with the man? Who was he? He didn’t smell like an omega, and as an alpha, my mate was going to be an omega, either the male or female version. There was no other option.

“Tucker, Jude, let’s take a break and give Thomas time to sort things out perhaps?” Edison said. I’d been so out of it that I hadn’t even seen the warlock or his One, Wallace, in the room. What the fuck was going on? “Thomas. Canyon had some questions, and frankly so do I. When we were to see you this summer, you said Elwood would be arriving soon and to give Canyon a heads-up. But yet Elwood arrived already mated, and now he and his mate, Theo, have a pup, Noah.”

The tall man, who I quickly realized was one of the fates, appeared just as surprised as I’d been. “What? No. Elwood was intended for Canyon,” Thomas said and finally met my eyes. I was instantly mesmerized by the brightest blue eyes I’d ever seen. How did a man with such dark hair and looks have eyes the color of crystal-clear blue sky? And why was he staring so intently at me?

“Edison, it’s okay. I…” I couldn’t say anything else because my wolf was shouting at me that the man that I knew there was absolutely no way could belong to me was mine. That didn’t happen. The fates didn’t get mates. Did they?

“No, it’s not okay. We were told that Elwood would be arriving and it would be good to give you a heads-up.”

“Yes. Elwood was supposed to be for Eric, but he was underserving. I changed his fate, and he was to be paired with the next alpha he met that wasn’t mated. That was to be Canyon.”

My gaze was drawn to the two women in the room. They too were striking, both equally tall but quite different. One had short dark hair while the other had long, blonde hair that went to her waist.

“Yes, we might have had something to do with that,” the brunette said.

“What? Marian? What did you two do?”

The ladies cleared their throats and shook their heads. “We can discuss it later. Right now, I believe the issue at hand was Richard and Jeanie. Whom you’ve seemed to gone to extremes with punishment.”

I knew the story of Richard and Jeanie and how Finn and Flynn were their only kits and it was a complete mess, but I couldn’t bring myself to really pay attention just then. My wolf would not shut up.

“Forest,” I whispered but it