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within a deep red fog, but she wanted to ignore it, if hearing him meant leaving heaven.

It was Tobey who finally pulled away from her. With one last heavy look, his devil-may-care grin was back on his face. Everything hit her at once, and Callie felt as if she had been thrown from a hot tub to a cold plunge with no warning. But it was worse than that. Everyone at the wedding had just witnessed her throwing herself at a stranger.

Knowing her thoughts, Tobey leaned in and whispered, “No one could see you behind me. There’s nothing to worry about.”

Callie nodded quickly as tears welled up in her eyes for the hundredth time that day. Unable to meet his eyes, she turned and ran blindly away from the gathering, instinctively heading for the one place that she would feel safe again—the kitchen.

She darted through the swinging door and stepped to the left just in time to avoid a collision with one of the waiters. Her eyes wild, she ran past the prep area, past the stoves, rounded a corner and found refuge in the walk-in refrigerator. Stepping inside, she slumped down onto an upside down milk crate and tried to catch her breath.

She was just going to have to hide in the refrigerator until the reception was over. It was either that or risk running into Tobey again. Which she definitely couldn’t do. One more minute so near to him, and she’d be naked and riding him for sure.

Chapter Two

“May the bride and groom have true love forever!” Tobey raised his champagne glass in a toast to James and Jane, doing his best to act the part of the happy best man, but all he could think about was the little blonde vixen who had just run away from him.

“Has anyone seen Callie?” Jane asked after the endless toasts were through. At her guest’s blank stares, she added, “She made the incredible truffles.” People moaned with remembered pleasure and licked their lips and said things like, “Better than sex,” and “Are there more?”

Tobey smiled. He should have known that Callie had something to do with candy.

Candy was, after all, his specialty. And Callie was so damn sweet, especially her plump lips and the succulent patch of skin at the base of her neck. He couldn’t wait to taste the rest of her. He was going to run his tongue over every inch of her body, from her lush breasts and her taut nipples, which he was guessing were a dusty rose on the light creamy skin of her breasts, to the valley between her thighs, and…

Jane’s voice cut through his X-rated daydream. “Darn. I wish she was here so I could officially thank her for making those incredible truffles that everyone has been raving about.” Jane reached for her new husband’s hand. “Plus, if it weren’t for Callie’s Candies, James and I would have never found each other.” James leaned over and frenched his newly wedded wife. Tobey shifted from one foot to the other in discomfort and looked away. Get a room, he thought, but then, he and Callie had practically been humping at the bar, so who was he to complain?

When his best friend was finally done kissing his bride, he turned towards Tobey with a knowing grin. “Any idea where Callie might be?”

“Not a clue,” Tobey answered truthfully. “But I’d be happy to go find her for you.”

“I bet you would,” James said with a wink. “For us.” Finally free of his best man duties, Tobey headed for the door that Callie had run through. He hoped that she hadn’t left the reception altogether. They had some unfinished business to take care of. Preferably while they were naked in a room with a lock.

“The kitchen,” he said to himself, when he walked into the large cooking area.

“That makes sense.”

“Did anyone see a small blonde woman run through here?” One of the waiters nodded towards the hall behind the prep area and the stoves.

“She went back there.”

Tobey nodded his thanks. Once he had walked around the corner into the hidden, back area of the kitchen, he saw two large doors, both big enough for him to step through. Opening the door to his right, he realized it was a commercial freezer, packed full of ice cream containers and huge bags of ice.

He closed the heavy freezer door and turned his gaze to the refrigerator door, a broad grin taking over his face. He almost felt sorry for