Bulldog - Hope Ford Page 0,2

track of her friends, and she’s only been nursing a single beer for the past hour.

I nod at some friends coming in, slap knuckles and then look back at the table. My girl has her back to me now and she’s watching her friend on the dance floor. Her friend has her skirt hiked high on her hips and she’s swaying to the music. Right now, she’s alone, but I know she won’t be for long. I look around the bar and it seems she’s giving a show. None of the men that are taken, Ranger, Saint, Jaxon, and Chain, are looking her way, but the rest of them are, and I know, like a nagging in my gut, that it’s about to get bad.

I see the man get up from the bar and stagger over to her. At first she smiles at him, but when he gets handsy, she tries to pull away. I’m already making my way across the bar, but it seems the woman I had my eye on is going to beat me to it. She slides between her drunk friend and the man. Without even touching him, she somehow gets him to back down. I walk up in time to hear her say, “Sorry, but my friend’s not interested.”

The man just laughs and then looks my girl up and down. “What about you, honey? You interested?”

Before she can get a word out, I’m stepping up next to them, doing my best not to rip his eyes out for even looking at her. “No, she’s not, John. Why don’t you have a seat back at the bar?”

It seems my reputation proceeds me, and John doesn’t even question me before turning to go. I barely watch him walk away before turning my back on him. I know he’s not stupid enough to blindside me. Half the men in here would have him dragged out the back door before he got a second punch.

“Thank you,” my girl says to me. I can’t keep referring to her as my girl. A name. I need a name.

“You’re welcome. But it looks like you had it under control before I got here,” I compliment her.

She shrugs her shoulders and before she can turn away, I ask her, “What’s your name?”

She tilts her head to the side but doesn’t answer me immediately. I can tell she’s weighing her thoughts before she decides to give in. But the heat is there. She’s attracted to me, I can tell. Maybe it’s because I want her, and it’s hopeful thinking on my part, but I don’t think so. The rapid beat of her pulse in her neck, the flare of her nostrils, and the way her eyes are darkening let me know she has some interest. “Why do you want to know?” She finally answers me with her own question.

Her friend is looking between us and she seems to have sobered up, because her head is volleying back and forth easily, as if she doesn’t want to miss a thing.

I could tell the little redhead that I want to know what I should be calling her when I’m driving my dick into her later, but she doesn’t seem the type that would be impressed with that. So, instead, I’m honest with her. “Because I’ve been wondering since you walked in earlier. And I figure you’re not ready for me to call you my girl like I have been doing in my head all night.”



Oh, he’s smooth. The sexy eye candy built to make women feel small and dainty, even thicker curvy girls like myself, is too much. For him to look and talk the way he does, he should definitely come with a warning label. Even though I managed to extract Carrie from the scary looking biker, I’m grateful to have an escort away from the guy who was looking to take full advantage of my too-drunk friend.

I meet his eyes and man, oh man, my body is already responding to him. He’s young. Way too young for me, and I can’t help but wonder if maybe he was hoping to save Carrie for himself. Maybe flirting with me to try and catch Carrie’s eye? I look at Carrie and she’s staring open-mouthed at him. I turn my head to look at our savior again, and he’s still looking straight at me. “I’m Kate… and this is Carrie.”

I don’t wait for him to respond. I walk with Carrie over to the table with Bryce and