Brooks (Dirty Misfits MC #1) - Savannah Rylan Page 0,1

something greater at work that night?

I threw my arm over my eyes. “Damn it.”

I gripped the “oh, shit” handle above my head. “Don’t step on the ga—no, Hyde! Back down!”

Hyde panicked. “We have to get out of here. I can’t get busted. I’ve got too much at stake with this.”

The cop threw his lights on behind us and started the chase.

“Damn it, Hyde, just pull over and let me get us out of this.”

He shook his head and white-knuckled the steering wheel. “We have to call Gage. We have to call him off.”

My eyes widened. “You fucking called Gage, too!?”

As the fighting grew louder and inmates cat-called for more, I choked back tears. My best friend. My confidante. He had been slaughtered that night because of Hyde’s squeamish bullshit. I mean I knew Hyde was a bit of a pansy at times. But I had no idea he’d panic like that under the idea of some cop following us around. I mean it wasn’t as if that kind of concept was new to us.

“He had something more riding on this job,” I murmured to myself.

I growled when I saw him pull out his gun. “Don’t you fucking dare.”

Hyde pointed it out the window. “I’m sorry, Gage. But I can’t let this happen. I have to warn them that we’ve been blown.”

“Oh, so the fucking gunshot’s a warning shot? It’s going to get us killed because that cop will start—”

He fired into the air and I jolted. “Fucking Christ, Hyde! Let me out of this damn car!”

The tires of the concealed police car behind us squealed before two gunshots popped off. One came rip-roaring through the back windshield and one took the side-view mirror off my side of the car.

While Hyde kept popping off warning shots.

“Stop firing your goddamn gun or I’ll kill you myself!” I roared.

Then, he did the one stupid thing I could have strangled him for.

He took the fucking turn we weren’t supposed to take.

Cell doors around me were thrown open and men were tossed into their pens like the wild animals we truly were. And as I laid there, staring at the bottom of the bunk on top of mine, I thought about Gage. About how Hyde did literally everything opposite of what I asked him to do, and how those actions got my best friend killed. The only man I ever considered family. The only man I ever trusted.

Dead, in the blink of an eye.

And all because of Hyde’s sloppy actions.

“I’ll kill you myself when I get out,” I grumbled.

After we took that turn, it was all a blur. More cop cars showed up out of nowhere and our client barely got away. Gage and Hyde started shooting to try and get us out of the sticky situation, but a bullet right through Gage’s heart took him down before I could get to him. I still wasn’t sure how I got caught. I mean other than the fact that Hyde was a literal piece of cow dung about it all.

The next thing I knew, I was being pulled out of the car with ringing ears and cuffs slapped against my wrists.

The one thing that didn’t make sense though—the one thing that seemed out of place in all of it—were the charges brought against me. I figured I’d get some time for selling illegal, modded cars. Or riding in the car with a lunatic. Or attempting to evade the police. But no. The only charges brought against me were the former, with modding cars and shit.

And drugs.

There had been fucking drugs in Hyde’s car.

I had turned that one piece of evidence over in my head so many times that it made me sick. And for the life of me, I couldn’t debunk how absolutely shocked Hyde looked whenever they started pulling shit out from a false bottom in his trunk. Hyde’s shock seemed genuine enough. My shock was definitely genuine as well.

But there was so much about that night that didn’t add up.

For a while, I entertained the idea of a setup. The Black Flags had been after my club—the Dirty Misfits—for years before that. They were jealous of the territory we owned around these parts and they wanted a slice of it. And who wouldn’t? We had the best restaurants, the best bars, the best booze, and the best hideouts. We had the best apartments, townhomes, and meetup spots.

And the women.

Hoo wee, the women we lured into that part of town were prime slices of sinful