Blood Twist (The Erris Coven Series) - By Bonnie Wheeler Page 0,4

she died.

As soon as Endellion spotted Liz, her gentle face lit up. “Hello,” she said, giving her a tender hug. “What have you brought us, darling?”

Liz looked down at her large bowl covered with aluminum foil. “It’s just a potato salad. It’s one of my specialties. I make it for my dad when he comes to visit.”

Thank God they don’t read minds.

Fianna cleared a place for it among the platters of fresh fruits and vegetables. “I haven’t had a potato salad in months, it sounds lovely.” Her Irish brogue was ethereal.

“Was everything okay at Ruby’s place?” Endellion asked concerned. “If I had known you were heading there, I would have asked Donovan or Torin to accompany you, and make sure the place was clear.”

“It was nice and quiet.” Liz appreciated the motherly concern, but could hold her own if she caught anyone lurking about. She was the one who insisted Lexie join her for some self-defense classes at YMCA. Being man handled by anyone was not an option. “Is Lexie and Torin here yet?”

Endellion shook her head, “She’s checking on her mother, but will come along soon.”

As the backdoor of the house opened, a plump woman sauntered out carrying a serving platter full of heaping finger sandwiches. With a head full of shocking brassy curls, she had the biggest green eyes Liz had ever seen. She recognized Aileen’s resemblance to her son, Teagan.

“You must be Liz.” Swiftly, the robust woman added the tray to the table. Lissome as ribbon, her body moved five different directions at once, practically dancing. “I’ve been nailed to the floor with all of this work, or I would’ve invited you over yesterday.” After wiping her palms on her cotton apron, Aileen gave Liz a warm embrace. “Are you keeping well?”

Liz couldn’t help but smile, she had imagined Endellion as the face of Ireland, but Aileen was the spirit. “I’m fine thanks.”

Aileen stepped back and gave Liz a head to toe survey. “Teagan is still off with his mates, but he should be here soon. I hope the little gobshite has been minding his manners.”

“Of course,” Liz answered. She wasn’t sure if Aileen’s concern was because her son was an insatiable flirt or for some other reason, but she liked Teagan. He was easy to talk to. It was when she tried talking to Braden that she got tongue tied. He was too cute to stand next to and still form sensible language patterns.

“Glad to hear it or I would beat the little gimp,” the Irish woman hooted, causing her bosom to wiggle. Her laughter had force, just like her tone. “You’re a bonny girl, give him time.”

Glancing past where the three women worked assembling their feast, Liz spotted Ella sitting alone by a large in-ground pool. Realizing she must have walked over with Endellion, Liz ventured across the yard to her best friend’s sister.

As Liz sat down on the chaise lounge beside her, Ella barely looked up. The blonde’s long hair had grown past her shoulders, accenting her pretty golden skin. Liz had always wanted skin like Ella and Lexie’s, but instead got the Captain’s pearly white hue. Burning was easy, but tanning was impossible.

At one time, Ella was a complete brat and drove Liz nuts. If she wasn’t on their heels, she was going out of her way to add caustic commentary for the sole purpose of being spiteful. Seeing her now, Liz realized the thirteen-year-old was no longer a child. With the same petite figure as her sister, she had become a young woman.

Liz looked down at her own shapely build. In jeans and a black and white striped tank, she was dressed for a skate park rather than a garden party. Her wrists were adorned with bangles and the layers of her ebony hair had been flat ironed. From the expression on Ella’s face, Liz was certain she wasn’t the only one feeling out of place.

“How long until everyone gets here?” Ella asked, her voice just a whisper.

Liz shook her head, “I thought they would all be here by now.” The sun was bright. Liz scraped the deck chair across the cement, edging it towards the shade. “I’m usually late for these kinds of things.”

“I feel weird sitting here. I don’t know why they won’t let me just stay home.” Ella picked at the frayed hem of her jeans. “I’m old enough to be there alone.”

Liz wondered how much she should say. She didn’t think Ella’s age was the reason they didn’t