Blades of the Banished - Robert Ryan Page 0,4

if anything, a dash toward them. Using the Raithlin crawl, he inched ahead so slowly that there was barely any progress, yet to move faster was to risk being seen. And though his progress was slow, after many long minutes, he neared the edge of the camp.

He kept so low to the ground that he was able to utilize even the slightest of depressions to help break up his outline, as well as the variations of soil color and texture that he found.

Near the edge of the camp was a patch of dry grass, which he avoided, as there was no chance of moving through it without noise. It took longer, but eventually he circled the area, and having done so, was now out of the camp.

Erlissa was by herself, and he was now out in the night, but he was not safe. He did not know where the elugs were: either in one main group or spread around the camp. He must find out, and in finding out, put into action his plan.

He stood up, using a waist high bush to help break his outline, and stalked with great care ahead into the dark. He did not want to circle the camp yet. Instead, he moved further away until he was beyond the likely position of any elugs. Only then did he change direction.

He did not go far before he saw the first elug. It took a long while for his eyes to pick out the details in the dark, but from time to time the elug moved, and on each occasion Lanrik got a clearer picture.

It was by itself, stretched out on the ground and facing the camp. It held a drawn scimitar loosely in its hand.

Lanrik memorized the twisted and misshapen bush beside it, and let the creature be. He wanted to know where the others were, and how many of them there were, before he attempted anything. Most of all, he wanted to know where the archer was.

The minutes passed and Lanrik edged away. Soon, he saw others. He left them alone too. Some stood, but most lay down. All, however, gripped their swords and focused inward on the camp.

He smiled in the dark. They knew he was close; it was just that they thought him pinned down within their area of scrutiny and not behind them. If they knew that, they would jump to their feet and race for the hills with pounding hearts.

It was not these elugs who worried him. He was nearly all the way around to the other side before he saw the archer. It was the bow that gave him away. The elug who bore it was well concealed, standing in the deep shadows of a tall bush, but he had a habit of shifting the weapon from hand to hand.

Lanrik hardened himself. He knew what he had to do, even if he did not like it. The bow was a tool that gave the elugs an advantage. He must remove that assistance, and take it for himself. There was only one way to do that.

He drew one of his knives. He held it by the hilt, but bent his wrist upward to conceal the blade behind his arm. Even the slightest glint of starlight on metal was dangerous.

The night wore on. He could not see Erlissa, which was just as well. He could not even see the slab of rock in which she hid, but the elug, being closer, would have a better view.

He was close now. Close enough that he could see the elug breathe. He saw the clothes he wore, even detected something of their colors. He noted the bulge of different knives from various sheathes, and saw a hint of the creature’s gray-tinged skin. He could not see its face, and that was just as well.

A moment he stood there, unwilling to do what he must. It was a moment of hesitation that lasted too long. By some sense, or perhaps by ill chance, the elug turned and looked back. The creature’s eyes widened in fear, and he made as though to yell.

Lanrik was already moving. With great force he threw the knife. It streaked through the air and took the creature in the throat. There was a heavy thump. The elug started to scramble away, but Lanrik was on him. He pushed him down and covered his mouth. A few moments only the elug thrashed beneath him, but he bled out swiftly and died. Lanrik retrieved