Billionaire Bodyguard - Kendra Mei Chailyn Page 0,3

let them in. When I received the call that I should pick up his body, I thought it was another one of his little scams. But when the coroner did a video chat with me to show me the body for identification, I realized the truth.

It was no joke.”

“How did he die?”

“They said it was a suicide.”

“Please.” Montana leaned back in the booth, his muscular arm stretched along the edge of the seat. “Joseph is too much of an asshole to kill himself. Tell me about the men who came after you.”

“They’re from Toronto.” I replied. “They said Joe took something from them and I had a week to give it back. The thing is, I have no idea what it is. There wasn’t really anything in his personal effects when they gave the little bag to me. I don’t even know to look or even what to look for. After a week, someone blew up my car.”

“Well, I think it’s safe to say what happened to your car was a warning.” Montana rubbed his eyes. “If they wanted you dead, you would be.”

“That’s reassuring.”

He frowned at me. “They’re not going to kill you until they find what they’re looking for.”

“That’s reassuring.” I grumbled again.

“I wasn’t trying to be.” Montana tossed back. “The help you need is in Toronto. I can’t go with you. There are things I have to do right now, and Sadie would kill me if I took off to Toronto with my ex.”

“Her name is Sadie…”


I nodded. “Does she know you’re here—with me?”

“Before we go any further You should know one thing.” His eyes screamed a warning at me. “Because of you, I know what secrets do to a relationship. I hide nothing from Sadie. But if you go after her, I will end you—got it?”

I hung my head.

In that moment, I realized I was ashamed to say, the old me would have tried something. The old me would have lied and manipulated to get them to break up. A little part of the new me thought about it for a very brief second.

If Montana was any other man, maybe I would have reverted to that horrible personality I once was. But he was good and true, and it would kill me to hurt him again.

Honestly, I hadn’t been that spoiled, bitter woman for a long while.

Testing the waters, to see if there was a chance had been a kneejerk reaction.

Knowing he had someone else told me Karma had finally made its way back around to me. I couldn’t outrun it forever—I knew that.

My food arrived and I nibbled away at some of the French fries as he made a few phone calls. Though I should be afraid, I couldn’t help thinking about what I’d lost with Montana. All he had wanted was me. But I was too focused on myself to give him much of anything. He’d waited, been patient but while my brother was into hair-brained schemes, I tended to say things without thinking.

Before I knew it, I’d burned that bridge and Montana was raging.

“Okay.” Montana’s voice brought me back to my trouble. “Whatever your brother stole should still be in Toronto. I have a friend there who’s agreed to help you figure things out.”


“That’s the deal, Tianna.” He told me. “Take it or leave it.”

“And if I don’t take it?” I demanded.

There I go again. Saying things without thinking.

“Then our retainer is a hundred thousand dollars. I’ll assign you one of our Canadians to help you.” His eyes were hard, dark—the very flames of hell burning in them. “Like I told you before, I won’t disrespect my girl by being caught in another one of your little games.”

“You protect her like you never protected me.”

Montana laughed—a cold sound that made me want to hide. “You think I’m protecting her? Sadie doesn’t require my protection. But you might.”

My body took in an involuntary breath, soft. “I’ll take it.”

His words sucked the wind out of my sails. Hearing he’d found a wife who took care of him like I should have broke me.

Montana dropped money on the table and stood to his full, overpowering height. “Let’s go.”

We left the diner and made our way back into Eagle Rock. I wasn’t much of a nature person but even I was transfixed by the beauty of the Crazy Mountains. But I didn’t have time to really take them in. Before I knew what was happening, I was sitting in a living room, surrounded by some familiar faces—Axel