Big Dick Energy - Cindi Madsen Page 0,2

it.” I reached for my glass again. “This time I’m toasting to finding new friends.” Since they wouldn’t join me, I went ahead and tapped the empty air before taking a generous swig.

Catalina simply crossed her legs as though patiently waiting for me to finish throwing my faux tantrum. “A real friend will tell you the truth, no matter how unpleasant.”

“Yeah, but in the same way a margarita does. It might be salty on the rim, but it follows up with sweetness.”

Cat lunged across the table, knocking salt shakers and happy hour flyers aside, and then planted a smacking kiss on my cheek. “I lurve you, Penny. You’re the bestest friend ever, and your hair is the envy of models in shampoo commercials. That’s one hundred percent true.” She kissed my other cheek and whispered, “Now, anyway.”

I shook my head, but then Ellie was coming over the table, too. My chair wobbled, dangerously close to tipping, and I gripped the tabletop with one hand, hoping my friends’ weight would keep it steady enough we wouldn’t all end up on the floor.

Now we were getting stares that were about more than just Cat’s and Ellie’s striking looks. I hugged them with my free arm as Ellie also proclaimed her affection, not caring how much added attention it gave us. This was why they’d always be my ride-or-dies. Even when they were teasing me, it was with love and support.

Still, when Cat pulled back to lock eyes with me, apprehension crept down my spine. An evil smile curved her lips, and I realized that Ellie’s embrace had switched to pin my arms at my sides.

“Don’t you dar”—Goosebumps swept across my skin as Cat tucked my long bangs behind my ear, torturously slowly.

With a squeal, I brought up my shoulder, freeing myself from Ellie’s grip and then shoving Cat toward her side of the table. I should’ve never confessed how ticklish my ears and neck were during that romcom. I’d admitted that, although I found the move super swoony in movies and books, in reality, I’d awkwardly giggle and wrench away from the guy. Maybe even smack him.

On the way to her seat, Ellie snagged her drink and used the skewer to fish out the nasty green olives she loved. Her fridge had about three or four partially empty jars at all times, and besides that, she mostly survived on almond milk and Goldfish crackers.

Cat sipped at her Long Island Iced Tea. “When I first offered to sue Ron for stealing your intellectual property, what did you say to me?”

Damn, she was determined to launch truth-seeking-missiles tonight. She arched her eyebrows, not letting me off the hook with a nose crinkle.

I sighed. “I told you I didn’t want to ruin his life or smear his name, regardless of him stealing my idea.”

Ellie’s cheek popped out on one side with her unchewed olives. “You also said you had so many good ideas that he could go ahead and take that one, because you’d show him up with your plethora of stellar ideas. I distinctly remember the plethora, because I quoted the Three Amigos and you two hadn’t seen it, so we had to amend that.”

“As I recall, you added that surely I’d seen it, since you know, I’m Mexican.”

“That’s out of context, counselor. I asked if you’d make salsa to go with the movie because you make it best. Now whether or not that’s because you’re Mexican, I guess we can take it up with your grandma. From Mexico.”

The two of them devolved into teasing one another, and I spun over what Cat had pointed out. Suing my ex seemed too mean at the time. I’d also been nursing a broken heart and foolish enough to think eventually Ron would see the error of his ways, apologize with some grand gesture that involved a boom box or a plethora of roses, and we’d get back together.

Add naïve to the list of traits I was working to overcome. “I should’ve allowed you to crush him in court.” The statement came out weaker than I’d wanted it to, and analyzing why seemed too overwhelming when it was all said and done.

“Admittedly, intellectual property lawsuits are time consuming and hard to prove. Not that I wouldn’t have won. I would’ve destroyed him.” Cat tapped the toe of her shoe to my shin. “But you weren’t ready for that, and that’s okay. But that fuse is lighting tonight, and I’d be happy to add enough oxygen to ensure