A Beauty at the Highland Court - Celeste Barclay Page 0,3

so much of his family and having to assume the lairdship, but I believe he has the fortitude and courage to be a powerful leader.”

“And he’s not hard on the eyes either,” Arabella teased, happy to move the conversation away from Lachlan.

“No, he isn’t,” Blair responded noncommittally. She studiously kept her eyes on her trencher, though Arabella watched her fight the urge to turn and look in Hardi’s direction.

“He must plan to leave soon,” Laurel pressed. Arabella shot her a warning glare, but Laurel’s eyes sparkled with mischief.

“He will have to. He has duties to return to, and he’s settled his taxes,” Blair nodded. Blair’s bowed head told her friends she was through discussing her relationship with the handsome, broad-shouldered laird, but Arabella knew their relationship was far from over.

The conversation turned to more mundane topics such as fashion, gossip, and the queen’s plans for a picnic the following week. Arabella watched as people moved about the Great Hall as the music began. She partnered with one man after another; some were courtiers she’d known throughout her time at court, while others were visitors. She danced with Hardi once, happily fulfilling her promise to Lachlan that his friend would have more partners than just Blair. She forced her mind away from Lachlan and focused on learning more about Hardi, realizing once more why he and Blair were so well suited. It was a long evening, and Arabella welcomed the silence and dark of her chamber once she fell into bed.


Only two months after leaving Stirling Castle, Lachlan Sutherland rode through the gates of Stirling Castle, conflicted between his dread of being at court but excited to see the woman he’d often dreamed about while in Sutherland. It had relieved him to see both Blair and Maude earlier that month. He’d met Maude’s newborn daughter, and it reassured him and his family that Blair was safe after she disappeared for nearly a moon. She’d left court to aid Hardi as he learned to read and write while taking on his lairdship.

No one in the Sutherland family was surprised to learn Blair and Hardi were in love. They’d been inseparable as children when Hardi and his older brother fostered with the Sutherlands. Lachlan shook his head as he considered the conspiracy against Hardi that had nearly gotten his childhood friend and his sister killed. It had been a tumultuous month when no missives came from Blair. He and his family were exhausted but ecstatic to find Blair well and handfasted to Hardi.

Now he was returning to court alongside Blair and Hardi as they paid the last of their taxes, and to report to the king what happened once they arrived at Tor Castle. Lachlan represented his father, Laird Hamish Sutherland, and would explain his clan’s role in the truce settled between the Mackintoshes and Camerons. The Sutherlands were only witnesses, but he understood that his clan’s overwhelming presence after the Mackintoshes’ planned attack had spurred Laird Mackintosh to accept Hardi’s terms.

He glanced at Blair and Hardi, and he smirked as he watched tiny Blair whisper advice to her mountainous husband. His youngest sister had always tended toward being bossy, but it made Lachlan smile to see her protectiveness over her husband. Still new to being a laird and never trained for the position, Lachlan’s worries were soothed knowing that his sister offered sage advice to their lifelong friend. Other than his parents, he’d never seen a more balanced and equal partnership. He saw many of his mother’s qualities in both his sisters, and he prayed he held many of the qualities he admired in his father.

“Bella!” Blair called out as they entered the bailey and watched the queen and her ladies-in-waiting enter the royal gardens. Lachlan’s heart flipped as he caught sight of the red-haired beauty. He couldn’t deny that she was the most stunningly attractive lady-in-waiting. Many argued she was the most beautiful woman at court, and Lachlan was apt to agree. He schooled his expression as he dismounted, and Arabella rushed to greet Blair. The women embraced and chattered until Arabella’s gaze shifted to Lachlan. He watched her swallow as she turned her eyes back to Blair. The hair on Lachlan’s arms stood up as he felt the connection between them, a connection he felt every time they saw one another. And just like every other time, they would both pretend as though it didn’t exist.

When it was Lachlan’s turn to greet Arabella, her hand hovered over his as he