Beautiful Pain - J.M. Walker Page 0,5

sir?” Her eyes darkened but they showed no hint of emotion.

At that moment I realized, she was a shell. An empty reflection of herself. It didn’t take my psychology degree to know that. “No. I don’t stalk.”

“What do you call it then? Brooding?” she asked, toying with the strap of her apron.

I watched her slender fingers move back and forth over the fabric in a nervous manner. The sadist in me rejoiced, puffing out its chest. “I call it wanting to know the woman who ignored me.”

“Why?” she questioned.

I noted her demeanor. Back stiff. Eyes locked with mine. She was challenging me. “Why not?”

Mae glanced over her shoulder.

The large man in the kitchen nodded our way, a cold hard glare heading my way.

A slow smirk spread on my face. He had nothing to worry about. I wouldn’t do anything to Mae that she didn’t want. That she didn’t ask for while begging at my feet.

“Sir, I don’t—”

“One drink,” I raised my hand. “That’s it.” For now.


Why he was adamant about having a drink with me, I had no idea. But as I stood there, contemplating running away, I found I couldn’t. I was stuck. In time. In a place I never wanted to leave.

I pulled off my apron and slumped in the chair. “One drink.”

The dark sinful man scratched his jaw, peering my way. Watching me. My skin tingled, vibrating over my bones. It was almost like he was looking into a deeper part of me. Something further than my soul. My very being. This man sitting only a few feet away from me had a darkness to him I wanted to wrap myself around. To protect him from. And that confused me.

“So tell me, Mae, how long have you been working at Cello’s?”

Small talk. Alright, I could do this. “Over five years.”

“I don’t usually see you here.”

“I’m usually on days but our night girl is sick this week.”

“Do you like it?” he asked, handing me his full glass of water. He nodded towards it when I hesitated.

“Yes,” I reached for the glass and took a sip. “It’s like my second home.”

“I understand. So tell me, beautiful girl, where are you from?”

My heart gave a start at the compliment but I felt the need to answer his question. “Um…Czech Republic. You?”

“I was born and raised in a small village in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico but my mom was Italian.”

Interesting mix.

“It is.”

My cheeks heated, not realizing I had spoken out loud. “Sorry, sir. That was rude of me.”

Something flashed behind his eyes. He leaned forward and brushed a finger over the back of my hand. “Why do you call me Sir?” he asked, his voice husky.

“I…” I swallowed hard, watching him touch me. “It’s respectful.”

“And?” His fingers wrapped around mine, holding it in a firm grip.

“And…and…” It felt natural but I didn’t want to say that to him. He would probably think I was a freak for having these feelings when I didn’t even know the guy’s name. I pulled my hand from his grip and stood up from the table. “I should get going.”

“No.” He reached for my hand, squeezing it gently. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” His eyes softened. “Please sit.”

“Why do you want to have a drink with me?” I asked, sitting back down. I couldn’t help but question his intentions. I had learned fast in life that nothing came easy. Whether I wanted it to or not, I had to work hard for everything.

“Something about you intrigues me, Mae.”

I didn’t know why. I was no one special. “You need to get out more.”

A deep booming laugh escaped his lips. “Yes. I probably do.”

“You’ve never told me your name,” I noted, picking at the hem on my shirt. I glanced up when he didn’t respond. My breath caught in my throat.

He sat casually with one arm draped over the back of the booth. “That’s because I never gave it to you.” His voice was calm and smooth, silky like melted chocolate.

“If you want me to have a drink with you, I expect you to tell me your name.” I had to be brave. I had to be strong enough to handle this man. No one would break me down again. I braced myself for his reply, imagining him yelling and screaming at me but when he didn’t, I let out a breath of relief.

“Touché.” He winked. “My name is Matteo Santos.”

“When did you move here?” I asked, ignoring the way his name made my insides quiver.

“I was