Beast's Claim - Piper Stone

Chapter One



A deep hunger swelled within me, the need more powerful than any I’d experienced before. This was much more intense, awakening my dark and sadistic cravings.

To feast.

To consume.

To ravage.

A deep growl resonated from my loins as I stood on a knoll overlooking the city, taking a deep whiff of the same intoxicating scent that had awakened the beast from his slumber.

Her scent.

A female.

A human female.

The one I’d dreamt about for over two weeks, the lurid thoughts of ravishing her over and over again, thrusting my cock deep inside until she screamed in pleasure vivid in detail. I released another growl, this one more pronounced.

My shaft became fully extended, engorged with blood as my balls filled with seed. The rumble in my chest was electrifying, priming my savage needs. A portion of my beast rose to the surface, hungry to feast on his prey.

I dragged my tongue across my canines, visions pulsing rapidly into my mind. Every muscle in my body tense, the images of her were more powerful than the few I’d had before. The longing had turned carnal, my entire system remaining on fire from the near desperate need to taste her.

Take her.

Fuck her.

Own her.

But she was human and considered our enemy, making my desire filthy and even more tempting.

Our kind had been imprisoned for decades, forced to live as humans more than our true nature, beasts bred for hunting, feeding, and mating. The curse brought on by chemical warfare, many of us had succumbed to the toxic illness, our females unable to birth our cubs. Our numbers had dwindled, our fate likely sealed. We would face extinction soon enough.

Unless the humans found the cure that they’d promised.

Freeing all the beasts of the forests and jungles.

However, there were some humans worse than those living in the large cities, men and women requiring superiority. Many of us had been captured and caged, horrific experiments performed for the sake of obtaining power, our ability to shift removed.

Although as legends would have it, a revolution was on the horizon, the beasts refusing to succumb. My dreams had increased, a sign that things were about to change, a telling that our worlds would collide again.

Only this time, the beasts would rise and conquer.

I pawed the ground, visions of her swirling in my mind. My hunger exploding, I was forced to face the fact she and I were connected.

I longed to feed on her beautiful pussy, to drive my cock deep inside, claiming what was rightfully mine.



The thought nearly fractured my restraint, driving me to break through the steel armor keeping me locked away from her. As I took deep breaths, her scent stirred a moment of utter intoxication. Suddenly, a whirlwind of visions pounded into my brain, the pictures so intense I clawed the ground, fighting my natural urges.

I raced through the forest, the brisk wind howling through the trees. The darkness was welcoming, my keen vision allowing me to see everything around me. I scanned the perimeter, searching for any signs of predators, hunger furrowing in my loins. The glisten of water tumbling over several rocks drew my attention, the need to quench my thirst overwhelming.

I sprinted toward the river, lowering my head and lapping up the cool water. Within seconds, an incredible scent forced me to lift my head. Inhaling, the rich aroma filled my nostrils, spilling into every cell and muscle. A growl formed in my throat as I recognized the sweet fragrance of her pussy.


She was human.

And she would become mine.

She stood basking in the glory of the full moon, her long raven hair shimmering in the moonlight. Her naked body was perfect, voluptuous and more desirable than any creature I’d laid eyes on. Crouching lower, I watched as she eased into the water, securing her long hair on top of her head.

The scent of her pussy drove me wild, increasing my longing to feast on her sweet juices, lapping up every drop.

Then I would fuck her.

I am coming for you, Raven. If you run, you will be punished. If you fight, you’ll be punished again. You will be fucked. You will be mated. You will belong to me.

I pawed the ground, digging my claws into the surface, my hunger continuing to increase. My heart thudded against my chest, the need for her increasing. Nothing would keep me from taking her. As I backed into the shadows, pain tore through every muscle and tendon, forcing me to throw my head back and growl.

The transformation had already begun. As my