Avenging Us - Gina Whitney Page 0,4

and vengeful.

I tried to touch her gently, feeling the heat run through my arms like an ache of betrayal. It was as if my body knew the defiance and acted against it. My hands didn’t want to be gentle, my fingers didn’t want to be kind, but that tiny voice grew louder, more annoying in its quest for serenity.

Gia’s eyes grew colder as they narrowed on me. She could see the struggle within me as if it were playing out in front of her on a movie reel. Her hands grasped mine, holding them firmer on her face, applying pressure with her own fingers. It was her silent plea for me to take control.

I felt my fingers grow tighter beneath hers, holding onto her with half the force I normally would, but my mouth and tongue still lagged behind. They were slow in their movements, testing the waters.

Finally, Beauty leaned back, cupping her hands around my face, holding my jaw and staring intently into my eyes. “Where did my broody Dom go? I don’t want this gentle man.”

“What if I hurt you…or the baby?” My voice was soft—so unlike me. But it showed my weakness, my soft spot, my Achilles heel. I would never survive if something happened to my beauty, or my baby…especially if it were by my hands.

“I trust you, Abel. You know me. You know me better than anyone ever has. I trust that you’ll know when it’s too much.” She paused, still searching my eyes. Then she leaned away from me and tilted her chin down, looking at me through the veil of her lashes. “This is consensual, Abel. I want this. I need this. And I can tell that you do, too. Don’t hold back…”



My arm reached around her back, fisting her curls to expose her neck. My eyes followed the column of her neck clear down her naked body to her shaved pussy. I tightened my grip causing her to release a throaty groan. My lips nipped and sucked each spot of her neck before moving on to her swollen tits. My thumb met my index finger and rolled her nipples until she screamed “Please!” Need was thick on her tongue. She wasn’t begging for me to stop, but for more. More of the sensations her body came to rely on to get to her sweet spot. Her response was no match for the briefs that supported my hard-on. It sprung forward against her belly angrily. I ground as hard as I could into her. Her pleas fell on deaf ears. I wouldn’t make it easy for her today. The darkness in my soul needed the control she’d given me. One I have forsaken for too long. I wasn’t one for blood-play. However, I couldn’t deny the pleasure it brought when her nails gouged my skin until I bled. The marks she left were battle scars and I wore them proudly.

I sucked her lips again, because I couldn’t resist the taste. That was part of the problem—resisting. “You want me to suck on those gorgeous tits?” It wasn’t a question. It was a statement.

Her body answered by pushing them forward. An offer I’d never refuse.

Still holding a fistful of hair, I grabbed her full swell, meeting her nipple with my tongue. I knew a few good swipes of my ring over her nipples would have her quivering, but I wouldn’t allow her to come. I needed to keep touching her, prolonging her pleasure to get what I sought. I sucked harder, squeezed tighter, and she fought to shake free. Tried to get away from the pleasure. Run.

I knew her game. Her duplicity. She wanted relief, but on her terms…me buried deep within her, grinding every orgasm out of her greedy cunt. My greedy, greedy girl. So, I bit her nipple, teasing it with my teeth, and followed with a quick slap of my hand. Her body stilled in shock, allowing me to turn my attention to the other. Her groans goaded me deeper into the abyss.

Bite. Slap.

It took a few minute before I decided to move my focus elsewhere. She pushed the heat of her pussy into my stomach and that almost undid me—almost. Her heady fragrance, more intoxicating than any whiskey, and more addictive than any drug. I couldn’t help but groan and tighten my resolve. Fuck, I wanted to bury myself in her. Come in the sweetest pussy I’ve ever had. My god, she was magnificent and deserved to be worshiped. I