Austin - Piper Stone Page 0,3

same desperate level.

But I was surprised when he cupped the side of my face, his large fingers digging into my skin as he rubbed his thumb back and forth across my lips, pushing and pulling them with his actions. His nostrils flared and his jaw clenched before he raked his hands down the length of my chest.

The tenderness was short lived. He dragged my bra off my arms, tossing it aside then kneading my breasts. There was no doubt he was going to ravage every inch of me. I kept my arms over my head, although I wanted nothing more than to touch his chest, to feel the heat that sizzled over every inch of him.

But this was wrong. So wrong.

He lowered his hands, slipping them around my waist until he located the button and zipper on my skirt. Very slowly he eased the material down my hips, dropping to his knees as he pulled the skirt to the floor.

Every part of me was numb, nothing more than a ragdoll as he took off my heels then removed my skirt entirely. I tried to take several deep breaths but failed as he rolled the tips of his fingers up the insides of my legs. When he reached my panties, he lowered his head, burying his face in my lace-covered mound, every sound he made primal. The man was preparing for a feast.

Oh, God. Oh… I bit my lip to keep from crying out, blinking several times in an effort to focus on anything, but the world around me was a giant and colorful haze.

Vader rolled his face back and forth, the force he used shoving the material between my already swollen folds.

“Yes, oh…” I tossed my head, doing my best to maintain my position but knowing I would fail within seconds. I wasn’t prepared when he let off a low, deeply husky, and carnal growl before snagging my thong with his teeth, jerking his head to the side.

The ripping sound seemed exaggerated and I was unable to keep a series of moans from rushing up from my throat.

“This pussy belongs to me,” he roared. “You will not come until I issue the command.”

His grip on my thighs was firm and he forced my legs wide open before pressing his face into my wetness. There wasn’t a single inch of my body that wasn’t on fire, the delicious moment dirty and dangerous, but I couldn’t care less. I was alive again, every inch of my skin seared by his dominating touch.

Vader was claiming what belonged to him, if only for one night, never to be repeated. When he swirled his tongue around my clit, I was forced to bite back a scream, shifting my head back and forth.

I couldn’t stand not being able to touch him and lowered my arms, clasping my hands around his muscular shoulders, clinging onto him, fearful I would drop to the floor.

His hold remained firm and as he dragged his tongue up and down my aching pussy, a series of moans floating toward the ceiling. I laughed nervously as he drove several fingers into my tight channel. This had certainly never happened before.

His hunger was evident in the animalistic sounds that accompanied every swipe of his tongue, every thrust of his fingers. He couldn’t seem to get enough, sucking on my tender tissue and shaking his head.

I realized I was bucking against him, my hips jutting forward as he finger fucked me. He was so brutal, using all four fingers, flexing them open. Within seconds, I was tossed into a heightened state of bliss, no longer able to feel my legs.

He refused to stop, pounding into me with all the aggression of an uncontrolled wild beast, sucking and licking with intense vigor.

“I… Oh, I…” I clamped my eyes shut, sagging against the wall as a climax rushed up from my toes. There was no holding back, no way of controlling my body’s reaction. I opened my mouth, but the scream was silent, my body shaking violently as a single orgasm became two, one morphing into the other. I was crazed by the sensations, digging my fingernails into his painted skin.

While he drank his fill, he rolled his hands around my hips, kneading my buttocks. I suddenly realized that I was naked in a cheap hotel room with a man whose name meant death. That only added to the excitement, creating goosebumps skipping down both arms. Lights flashed in front of my eyes, my skin on fire.