Always (Spiral of Bliss #5) - Nina Lane Page 0,3

my collarbone. “What else are you wearing under there?”

“Lace panties, a satin slip, and sheer stockings,” I tell him. “But you can see them all later.”

He mutters a noise of irritation, but straightens to adjust the gold-tipped organza wings affixed to my back. He looks again at my reflection in the mirror. He slides his big hand over my neck to the V of skin exposed by the bodice of my gown. My breath catches at the delicious friction of his touch, the effect of which is magnified by his captivatingly wicked appearance.

A sizzle of heat arcs between us, but before I can give in to it, a sliver of rationality reminds me of our schedule. I turn my head, meeting Dean’s mouth in a quick, hot kiss.

“I love you like milk loves cookies,” I murmur against his mouth.

He squeezes my ass. “I can’t wait to eat you tonight.”

I grin and move reluctantly away from him. I go into the bathroom to finish applying my glittery gold makeup. I pause to adjust my push-up bra, which has an underwire that’s chafing the side of my breast. Ah, well, it’s the price of sexiness I’ll gladly pay to indulge in the heat my husband and I always generate.

“Don’t forget your horns,” I call through the bathroom doorway. “They’re on the dresser. Your pitchfork is in the closet.”

I return to the bedroom and find him adjusting the horns on his head. The surprisingly realistic black horns only add to the full villainous effect of Professor Devil, and I experience a flutter of anticipation at the thought of what, exactly, he’s going to do to innocent little me later tonight.

I put my wallet and a few toiletries into a gold beaded handbag and slip my feet into gold sandals. Dean goes to corral Nicholas, and I head into Bella’s room to help her finish getting ready and to get her stuffed owl Hoot into the matching cupcake costume I sewed for him.

After a flurry of activity as we make sure everyone has their costume accessories, we pile into the car. Halfway down the drive, Nicholas announces that he forgot his eye patch, so Dean goes back to retrieve it. Then Bella has to go potty, which means removing half her costume. Guess I didn’t think that one through entirely.

By the time we finally get to the high school, the parking lot is already full, and Dean has to find a spot to park on the street. Costumed partygoers stream into the gymnasium. A sign over the door announces Mirror Lake’s Spooktacular Halloween Ball.

The inside of the gym is filled with black-draped tables, orange and black balloons and streamers, and a buffet table filled with covered dishes. A band onstage, the members all dressed like zombies, is belting out “Monster Mash” while princesses, ninjas, cartoon characters, and firefighters dance.

We greet a number of people, exchanging admiration about each other’s costumes, and find an empty table. Dean and I sit down to keep an eye on Nicholas and Bella as they run out to join the revelers on the dance floor.

“Mr. West!” Three children—a witch, a cowboy, and a ninja—run up to Dean as soon as they spot him. “Can you make a pumpkin?”

“I dunno.” He scratches his head and shrugs. “That sounds tough.”

“Can you try?” the witch begs.

Dean pulls the ever-present loop of string out of his pocket, holding his hands out as he winds the string around his fingers. The kids watch with bated breath as he performs a series of complex loops before holding up the final result—a pattern of diamonds surrounding a round pumpkin.

“Cool,” the ninja shouts.

“See if you can guess what this next one is.” Dean unravels the string and starts to wind it around his fingers in a new pattern.

He holds out his hands. The kids study the pattern stretched between his fingers.

“A tree.”

“A ladder.”

“I know.” The witch’s hand shoots into the air. “A witch’s broom.”

“You got it.” Dean gives her a high five.

“Can you come show my sister?” the cowboy asks.


Dean gets to his feet, and the cowboy takes his hand to lead him across the dance floor.

“There you are.” Kelsey March weaves her way through the crowd toward me, looking almost unrecognizable in a black ponytailed wig, a slim-fitting black skirt, and a red shirt with a white, scalloped collar. “Archer wanted to get the baseball game booth set up in the English classroom, but he didn’t have the key.”

“Oh, I have it. Sorry, I forgot to