Alien Brute - Luna Hunter Page 0,2

me out.

Just my freaking luck. I am not interested, but these Aegir men don’t know when to stop. They’re predators, and when they have set their sights on something they don’t give up the chase until they’ve caught their prey.

And fucked it senseless.

That’s what Xak did to Olivia. I heard her screams. Wish I didn’t. What she wants to do in her spare time is fine by me, more power to her, but I do not want to hear that. Keep that in the bedroom. And keep your voices down so people two rooms over can’t hear.

Those are the rules I live by. Following them has been easy, because I haven’t let any man into my bedroom in a long, long time.

And I’m not about to start now, either.

Kozus has got a pretty face, you’ve got to give him that. Mesmerizing eyes. A voice as smooth as butter. The type of body built for climbing on top of.

But, he’s not for me.

I focus my eyes on the ship that’s going to take us away from this cold place. It’s needle shaped, long and thin, the metallic covering reflecting the blue sky overhead.

Doesn’t seem big enough to stay out of the alien prince’s way, though. I’m still reeling from when he lifted me up as if I were as light as a feather.

The nerve.

“Seems you’ve got a new admirer,” Ciara whispers to me. “Congratulations.”

“Please,” I shudder. “I need an Aegir following me around like a lost puppy like I need a headache right now.”

“Oh come on. You like the attention.”

“Sometimes. Maybe. But I do not like unwanted attention.”

“Is it really unwanted though?” Ciara asks, placing her finger on her chin. “Let’s see. On one hand we’ve got a gorgeous alien prince who wants to put no-doubt adorable babies inside of you…”

“How’d you get there from some light flirting?” I interject.

“You call that light? Kozus was practically eye-fucking you the entire carriage-ride. Hell, he’s eye-fucking you right this second,” Ciara says.

“You know you’re not convincing me to hop on that blue baby train right now, right?”

“We’ll get there. Olivia wasn’t either, and look at her now.”

“I’m not Olivia,” I stress.

“No, she’s way nicer,” Ciara says. “Boom roasted.”

“Walked into that one,” I say.

“You’re darn tootin’. So we’ve established that Kozus is a) hot and b) loaded. He’s a prince, after all. And on the other hand we’ve got… you.” Ciara says.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“What do you think it means?” Ciara says, flipping it back to me. “You were fine with telling Olivia to, and I quote, ‘hit that’, but I can’t do the same to you? Seems like you’ve got a stick in your bum, my friend.”

“Why are you riding my ass so hard?” I ask.

“Because you won’t let Kozus do it,” she claps back.

“Give it a rest, Ciara, please. I’m stressed enough as it is. After Xi’Jek, I need a long holiday. Peace and quiet!”

“Hold up,” Ciara says and she grabs my arm. “When we get back to the Banks, we’re still going to be friends, right?”

“Of course,” I say. “After what we survived together? We’re as tight as two peas in a pod. I do need my space though, so I hope you’re cool with that. And please, for the love of all that is holy in this world, stop it with the ribbing and the joking and the prodding. I can’t deal with that right now.”

“I’m sorry,” Ciara says. “I didn’t mean to piss you off.”

“It’s fine. Just… be a bit more quiet today, okay?”

Ciara mimics zipping her lips shut and throwing away the key.


Kozus’s low growl startles me. How much of that has he heard?! I whirl around and face him, my hands clutched instinctively to my chest.

“Ready for our voyage?”

“Yes, captain,” I stammer.

He cocks his head to the side, like a confused puppy would.

“Kozus is fine, human.”

The alien wanders into the ship, and I take a deep breath to steady myself. Ciara tries to hold back her laughter, and fails.

“Don’t,” I say, raising one finger up. “Not a word.”

“Yes, captain,” she says as she salutes me. “Aye aye!”

This is going to be a long ride.


I run my fingers along the smooth, sleek surface of the ship’s dashboard. This cruiser still has that fresh ship smell I love so much. Smells like freedom.

The human females are situated in the back of the vessel, whispering amongst themselves. I pretend not to hear them.

I run through the mandatory pre-flight checklist, checking off items one by one. Fuel gauge checked. Ran