Aggro - CoraLee June Page 0,2

to get distracted easily by compliments. She befriended Violet last year as some shady attempt to get closer to Chase. It wasn’t the first time some hopeful girl attempted that, but it was the first time one succeeded. Violet was hurt, rightfully so. What happened with Celeste was the key reason I never told Violet how I felt about Chase. It was also why I started insisting Violet come to my house instead of me going to hers and risk running into him. My best friend was more important than some stupid crush.

“Thanks,” Celeste replied while looking down at her short red halter dress. Her slender fingers trailed up and down the fabric, and I noticed how Chase watched her slow, teasing movements. “You look...comfortable,” she added while wrinkling her nose and looking me up and down with disdain.

“That’s my best friend. She always prefers comfort over high fashion,” Violet’s bright voice said as her willowy arm wrapped around my shoulder. I turned my head to smile at my best friend, noting the rosy glow to her cheeks and the shine in her blue eyes. Her inky hair was curled to perfection, and she was wearing a beautiful white halter top with sleek skinny jeans. She had a Miss America style sash that said Birthday Girl draped over her shoulder. “Some people just don’t have to try hard to look good,” Vi added while looking pointedly at Celeste. “Breeze is effortlessly beautiful.” To stress her point, Violet kissed my cheek and squeezed me tighter. I could smell the alcohol on her breath and made a mental note to watch her drinks for the rest of the night.

Celeste looked annoyed, but Chase snorted while giving my legs another lingering stare that made my heart flutter. I didn’t quite understand their relationship. I knew they were fucking; Celeste had bragged about his cock enough times to prove that. But Chase was quick to say that they weren’t exclusive. He’d had plenty of girls on his arm to disrupt rumors of exclusivity, but Celeste seemed to be the one girl he slipped his dick in on the regular.

“Violet, I’m ready to fucking leave,” a wicked voice said from behind, making every hair on my head stand up. I knew who it was immediately. Kai Lewis was a dangerous enigma. With black hair, tattoos covering his arms, and a hardened expression, everything about him screamed run away. So naturally, my best friend made him her boyfriend. Chase wrinkled his brow in annoyance.

Chase was overprotective. I guess having absentee parents made him feel responsible for his baby sister. I couldn’t tell you how many times he’d texted me over the years, making sure she arrived at my house safely or requested updates on our whereabouts. Sometimes I wondered if he let her host parties at their house because he felt more comfortable watching over her in their own home.

“It’s my birthday party,” Violet giggled before tapping his chest with her perfectly manicured hand. “I can’t just leave whenever I want.”

Kai gave me a haughty glance before turning to look at Violet again. “Fuck, I’m over this. You don’t let anything stand in the way of a good time, huh?”

“You’re welcome to leave, Kai,” Chase said in a sinister tone, eyeing Kai with barely contained anger as Celeste clutched his arm. “I’m not sure why you’re at a high school party, anyway. What are you, thirty?”

“I’m nineteen, dumbass; I doubt you could even count to thirty.”

Chase looked like he wanted to punch Kai in the jaw. “Why don’t you do everyone a favor and leave? I don’t know what my sister sees in you.”

Kai and Chase have been in the competitive surfing circuits since Chase could walk. Their rivalry was a decade old and bone-deep. “I don’t think you want to know just what your sister likes about me. Your girlfriend might get ideas and decide she wants a real man.”

“Kai,” Violet warned with a hiss.

“Come on. Your brother is right, for once. I can’t just stand here watching you get drunk.”

“I’m not leaving,” Violet argued while crossing her arms over her chest and stomping her foot. I noticed a bright blush on her cheeks. “I haven’t even danced with my best friend. If you want to go, just go. There’s nothing stopping you. I just wanted a night to let loose. I’m not letting you ruin this for me.” Violet gave Kai a pointed look, as if there was more to this conversation I wasn’t