Addie (Pack of Misfits #1) - Raven Kennedy Page 0,4

my part,” I mumble.

He just looks at me, unimpressed. “Bitch, open that drawer, or I will ‘shoot shoot’ you.”

I smile nervously, trying to assuage the situation. “Right-o,” I say. But then I do the dumbest thing ever and make a finger gun at him. I’m surprised at this point that he doesn’t actually shoot me. Thankfully, the next key I slip in, successfully turns, allowing me to open the drawer.

With his other, non-gun wielding hand, the gunman tosses a plastic bag at my face, making it bounce off my cheek. “Empty your fucking drawer. Gimme all of it,” he snaps.

My colleague, Beth, comes walking back out from the break room just as I start shoving the stacks of cash into the plastic bag. I try to signal her with my hand behind my back to go hide, but he notices her. “Hey, cunt, I see you! Get your ass over here and empty your drawer, too!”

Poor Beth hurries forward to her window, nearly tripping over her own feet when he continues to shout at her. Meanwhile, the other gunman is terrorizing all the bankers on the other side of the building, and I can see him hollering for my manager to come open the vault.

“There,” I say, piling in the last of my cash. He snatches the bag from me and swings the gun to point it at Beth, who’s shaking like a leaf as he continues to berate her.

When I see her start to cry, my blonde brows draw together in a frown and my eyes cut to the douche. “Dude, we’re doing what you asked. Stop being such an asshole,” I tell him.

In reply, the gunman rounds on me, and then lifts the gun to my head.

At. My. Head.

My lip curls up in rage, and just like that, I snap.

I move faster than he can blink. Using the ball of my palm, I smack his hand, making the gun point up. It startles him, so his trigger-happy finger pulls, and a shot rings out as the bullet cracks through the air and hits the ceiling. Screams sound out from terrified customers and employees, and drywall peppers down from above making the air dusty with damage.

But I’m already moving.

I reach across the counter, grab the guy by the back of his stupid mask, and slam the motherfucker’s face into the counter so hard that I hear his nose break.

He screams and drops the gun onto the counter. Using the back of my hand, I fling it to the floor behind me. Then I leap onto the counter and jump down behind him to the other side. Blood is pouring from his nose and he’s cradling it gingerly, but I quickly turn him around and knee him in the balls. He hits the ground with a screech.

“You fucking bitch!”

I only have about a second of triumph before another gun is pointed at my head by Gunman Number Two. I really don’t like guns being pointed at my head.

“You’re gonna pay for that, bitch!”

Gunman Number Two raises the butt of his gun to hit me, but before he can make contact with my head, he suddenly goes flying backwards and hits the floor hard. Penn has the man on his belly in a vicious chokehold before the gunman even knows what hit him. He tries to flail around, but Penn is way too strong. A lot of shifters can boast extra strength. I won’t lie, seeing Penn’s muscles flex as he overpowers the man is pretty hot. Unable to throw Penn off, the gunman finally succumbs, and he passes out cold. It all takes less than a minute.

Tossing the robber’s prone body to the floor, Penn gets up and stalks over to the other gunman who’s still cursing and bleeding at my feet. Penn rips off the guy’s mask and shoves it into his mouth to muffle his voice. All it takes is one fierce scowl from him, and the gunman immediately stops making noise and lies down on the floor in surrender. It was a rather impressive scowl.

Penn snorts in disgust at him and then turns to me. His face looks furious, and he’s doing this aggressive panting thing that for some reason really lights a fire in my loins.

“You okay?” he asks, looking me up and down.

“Yeah. Thanks for taking down Idiot Number Two.”

“Any time. Although, it looked like you could’ve handled both,” he says, his tone mixed with surprise and admiration.

I nod again. “I’m a badass.”

He laughs, but