Taken by Sin - By Jaci Burton Page 0,1

started this chain of events that had led to Isabelle’s downfall. He’d handled it all badly, from the time he stole her diary, to making love to her when he shouldn’t have. It hadn’t been part of his mission, yet he’d found her irresistible.

Hell, he hadn’t wanted to resist. There’d been something about her that called to his dark side. Now he knew why. It still didn’t excuse what he’d done.

When he fucked up, he fucked up big, didn’t he?

So instead of terminating her, he was ignoring Lou’s orders, taking Isabelle away, abandoning the Realm of Light.

All to save Isabelle.

He could never go back to the Realm now. They’d come looking for him and Isabelle. They’d want to destroy her, to do the job he couldn’t. She represented a danger to the Realm. Yeah, there were other half demons within the Realm, but they had proven they could control the demon side of themselves. The others had never taken that step into darkness like she had. Isabelle had embraced the demon within her, had tried to kill her sister, Angelique. Isabelle had sided with the Sons of Darkness. To the Realm of Light, she was nothing more than another demon now.

To Dalton, she was more. He didn’t understand it all himself, but as soon as Lou had given him the order, he’d known it was wrong. For a second back there when he’d stood in front of Isabelle, she’d changed. He’d seen the human side of her warring with the demon side. In an instant, he’d known.

She was just like him. Straddling both light and darkness. He’d seen her look of helplessness, the pleading in her eyes. What he would have given for someone to offer him a second chance all those years ago. It might have made a difference in the turn of events, the direction of his destiny. Now he had the chance to offer Isabelle what he hadn’t been. And at that moment he’d known he’d do whatever it took to bring the human part of her back.

Now he just had to stay one step ahead of the Realm, had to keep the two of them moving and in hiding long enough to come up with a plan to save her. If he could bring Isabelle’s humanity back before the Realm of Light caught up with them, they’d never hurt her. He’d prove to them that the demon inside her had been banished.

Isabelle stirred, moaned, reached up to her temple with her fingertips.


He was prepared to pull over, had a weapon at his side. He hoped he wouldn’t have to use it.

Her eyes drifted open. She frowned, angled her face in his direction, then looked at him like she had no idea who he was.

“Are you all right?” he asked.

She opened her mouth, her bottom lip trembling. Her gaze drifted to the laser lying across his lap. Her eyes widened and he saw recognition in them. She snapped her gaze to his.

Tears filled her eyes. She shook her head, shrank against the window.

“I’m not going to hurt you, Isabelle. I’m taking you away from all of this. From them. Do you understand?”

She drew her arms across her chest as if to ward off an attack.


Dalton pulled over to the side of the darkened country road. He put the car in park and half turned in the seat, sliding the laser to his left side, out of her sight but still in reach. He didn’t know yet whether he could trust her. Her eyes were clear—human clear—but he knew from experience that could change in an instant.

“I needed to get you away from there. Do you remember what happened?”

She studied him for a few seconds, then gave a quick nod.

“We’re going to get out of here. Just you and me. And then we’re going to figure it all out. I’m going to fix this. Understand?”

She looked so petrified he wanted to fold her in his arms and comfort her. That would be such a bad move right now. Or ever.

“I’m scared, Dalton.”

Isabelle had always been so strong and confident. Now? Lost. Broken. Confused. Her voice, ragged and soft, cut through him like a blade. “I know. I’ll take care of you. Trust me.”

She shuddered out a sigh. Her lids drifted and her body sagged. She closed her eyes and let her head fall back against the seat.

In less than a minute, she was out again. Obviously, this had all been too much for her to process. But at