Son of a Preacher Man - By Arianna Hart Page 0,3

hurt. Before she could form a reply, a familiar crunch caught her attention. “Listen. Someone’s coming up the drive.” Nadya scrambled into her tank top as J.T. fumbled to zip his pants. “Hurry,” she whispered urgently. A bad feeling coiled in her gut like a snake about to strike.

“What’s the big deal? Someone else is just coming to call.”

“No one but your father comes to see us. Unless they want something. Come on. If we cut through here we’ll come around the back of the cabin.”

Prickers and sticks scratched her legs as she ran through the woods toward the cabin. She didn’t know why, but a sixth sense was telling her something bad was on the way. Her hair stuck to the back of her neck but she didn’t take the time to tie it up. She had to get home.

J.T. pulled in front of her as they burst through the bushes at the edge of her mama’s garden. A shiny, white car that could only be Mrs. Campbell’s pulled in the drive and stopped behind Pastor McBride’s Buick. Orleane Campbell was one of the church ladies who made comments about Nadya and her mama every time they went into town. Her daughter, Pansy, was two years younger than Nadya, and well on her way to becoming the most obnoxious girl in a school full of them. What were they doing here?

J.T. ran around the front where Mrs. Campbell and Pansy were getting out of the car. Nadya headed for the back door of the cabin, intending to clean up before her mother saw the tell-tale grass stains on her shirt and shorts. As she passed under the window to her mama’s room, she shot a quick glance in to make sure the coast was clear before she snuck in. What she saw stopped all thoughts of a quick change in their tracks.

Her mama had obviously just heard the car doors slam, because she was scrambling buck naked across the bed to where her skirt and blouse lay tossed on the footboard. Pastor McBride had his pants halfway up and was pulling on his button-down shirt that had the sleeves inside out.

Nadya’s first thought was, Wow, he’s pretty hot for an old guy. Her second was, Aren’t they too old to be doing it?

Before she could sneak in the house, she heard Mrs. Campbell’s voice raised in anger. “What exactly is going on here? I want to see your daddy this instant!”

Nadya gave up stealth for speed and burst through the back door. Her mama had managed to get dressed, but there was no disguising her tousled appearance. The thought that she might have the same look crossed Nadya’s mind when her mama gave her a knowing glance.

Tala visibly collected herself before strolling through the front door like she didn’t have a crazy woman screaming on her front stoop. “Good afternoon, Orleane, Pansy. What can I do for you today?”

“I want to know what is going on here. Why is Pastor McBride’s car in your drive? What gypsy tricks are you plying on him?”

“And why are you here too, J.T.?” Pansy asked, moving in front of him.

J.T. leaned against the porch rail, trapped between that and Pansy. Sweat trickled down his neck and stuck his dirt-stained shirt to his chest. A scowl darkened his face as he tried to move away from Pansy.

“What gypsy tricks would those be, Orleane? Love potions? Isn’t that what you wanted me to make for you? The pastor is here preaching the good word, trying to bring me into his flock.” Tala’s voice dripped sarcasm like warm honey.

“Then why is his Bible out here and he’s in your shack?”

“And why is Nadya covered in pine needles and has her shirt on inside out? Slut.” Pansy shot a glare at Nadya.

“Like mother, like daughter.” Mrs. Campbell stepped towards Tala.

“That’s enough!” Pastor McBride shouted as he marched out onto the porch. Mrs. Campbell and Pansy jumped back, and J.T. quickly moved next to Nadya. “What gives you the right to come to this woman’s house and cast aspersions on her character?”

“I was just trying to find you to talk about the bake sale on Sunday. When I didn’t find you at the meeting house, I asked around, and Mabel Jones said she saw your car headed out on Deer Creek Road. Well, everyone knows the only things on Deer Creek are trees and the gypsy whore.”

“And her whore daughter,” added Pansy.

Nadya made a move toward Pansy. If