Slow Play - Monica Murphy Page 0,3

time. Other times, she’s shooting me dirty looks and steering Shep away from me. She thinks I’m a bad influence.

She would be correct.

“That one.” I point when I spot her exiting the kitchen. She has the face of a model—or let’s be more apt, an angel. All elegant cheekbones and pouty pink lips, perfectly shaped nose and icy blue eyes, she’s beautiful. I normally like them bubbly and cute, a girl who thinks my jokes are funny while hanging onto every word I say. While talking to this particular girl though, I got the distinct feeling she thought I was the joke. My costume didn’t help but still.

Needless to say, she intrigues me.

“Ah,” Shep nods, “I met her earlier. Seems nice. She’s a friend of Kelli’s.”

Ugh. Kelli. I may have made out with her once by accident a few months ago. We were both drunk and she also may have shoved me off of her after about five minutes of awkward, sloppy drunken kissing. Not one of my finer moments. “What’s her name?”

I’m still pointing at her and she spots me, her eyes meeting mine. I’d ditched the sunglasses the moment I left the kitchen and I wish I had them back on. So I can hide from her probing look. Feels like the chick can see deep down inside me or something and it’s making me uncomfortable.

From the sneer forming on her perfect lips, I’m thinking she doesn’t like what she sees.

“I don’t know. Allison? Alexis?” He snaps his fingers. “Alexandria.”

“Which is it?” I don’t look away from her. It’s like I can’t. Ah, shit, she’s headed right for me. I stand up straighter, feeling the alcohol course through my veins and my head spins a little. I’m drunk. She’s still walking toward us, gliding across the room really, her feathered angel wings bobbing with her every step.

I’m starting to sweat and it’s not just because it’s fucking hot in here.

“Alexandria,” Shep greets her like she’s an old, dear friend. Weird. I’ve never seen this chick before in my life. And I’d definitely remember her. “Have you met my cousin?”

“Hi, Shep.” She smiles at him, the sight of it dazzling. Her smile fades the moment her gaze lands on me. “I just met Tristan in the kitchen with Jade.”

“Awesome. Jade is Tristan’s number one fan.” Shep claps me on the back, sending me stumbling forward. I nearly collide with Alexandria and she takes a sideways step, dodging out of my way. For one brief, tantalizing moment, I was close enough to smell her.

And holy hell, she smells fucking amazing.

“I’ve heard,” she says dryly. “So you’re cousins?”

A girl wearing a naughty cop costume comes up to us—I don’t remember her name—bearing gifts. A red cup clutched in each hand, she offers one to me and one for Shep. “You two look thirsty,” she says with the slightest lisp.

I gratefully take the beer and gulp from it, swallowing mostly foam.

“Aw, sorry honey,” the naughty cop says to Alexandria, her condescending tone obvious. “I didn’t see you there or else I would’ve gotten you a drink too.”


I’m about to do the right thing and offer Alexandria a sip of mine. Or better yet, I should go get her a cup. I part my lips, about to be the ultimate gentleman when Shep beats me to the punch.

“Want mine?” Shep hands his cup to Alexandria. She takes it but doesn’t drink from it yet, just smiles at him like he’s her hero.

Damn it. Just messed that up.

“Thanks,” she murmurs, bringing the cup to her mouth so she can take a sip. I watch in fascination as she wraps her pink lips around the rim of the cup and tips her head back, grimacing the moment she swallows.

Foamy beer is the worst.

But her lips damp with beer is about the best thing I’ve seen all night. Maybe all month.

“Hey.” Shep slaps me on the back again but this time I hold my ground. “I’ll see you all later. I need to find my girl.”

He’s gone before we can say another word and I scowl at where he stood only a moment ago. My cousin is completely pussy-whipped. I don’t know how he can stand it, being with one girl all the time. Gabe’s gone and lost his mind over a girl too, and I can barely wrap my head around it. I’m the last man standing, the final true believer in one and done.

Crazy but true.

“So. Tristan.” The naughty cop rests her hand on