The Sherlockian - By Graham Moore Page 0,2

he picked the lock or merely turned a key which he had had made. He may have taken an impression on one of his visits and had a key cut.”

“We shall be able to determine that,” I said quickly but Holmes frowned me into silence.

“He did not need to turn on the electric light,” Lord Blagdon continued, “having chosen a night of full moon through open curtains. I could not see precisely what he was doing for his back was towards me. However he was facing the display of Sèvres vases, jardinières, dishes and boxes, with the door of the cabinet partly open. These items are glazed in royal blue or pink, picked out in gold, inset with garden scenes of fetes galantes or Classical mythology. He struck a match very briefly, as he stood there, and seemed to find what he wanted at once. His movements were quick, though quiet. Indeed, I heard nothing all the time he was there and I cannot tell you whether he moved or opened any of the pieces, though I believe he must have done.”

“What did he take?” I asked.

Lord Blagdon swung round to me.

“Nothing, Dr Watson! Nothing! If the housekeeper had not heard the library window being opened, we should never have suspected that he had been there.”

“Whereupon,” Holmes interposed, “he closed and locked the display cabinet, passed from the drawing-room to the library, left by way of the window, closed it after him, but could not lock it?”

“Quite correct, Mr Holmes. I was dismayed when I first saw him because I feared he had got himself into money trouble and was robbing his own family to pay off his debts. What if he was in such trouble and was robbing us at the command of criminals? You see?”

“Indeed I do. But has the window been found unlocked since then?”

“Never. It has been examined every morning.”

“Excellent. And where did he go when he left the house on the night in question?”

“I can only assume that he walked across the garden, along the road to the village and waited for the first morning train from Priorsfield Halt.”

“That is good to know. It suggests that he had no accomplices and was probably not working on the orders of anyone else. Of course, he might have been examining the objects in order to facilitate a robbery by some other person. However, I think not. He could have done that more easily while he was a guest in the house. In any case, he has not returned in the past week.”

“I lad I known that he wanted to, he would have been welcome to come to the house and examine the porcelain to his heart’s content. That is what makes it so disturbing. As it is, he did no harm that I could see. I thought it best to observe but say nothing.”

“You did quite right, my lord” said Holmes reassuringly.

“The curious thing is that he did not wear gloves that night.”

“Surely he had no need to,” I said, “Chief Inspector Henry at Scotland Yard can read finger-prints like a book. But who would look for prints without evidence of a crime? Had the housekeeper not seen him, there would have been neither evidence nor suspicion.”

Lord Blagdon shook his head.

“You misunderstand. For the past six months, Lord Arthur has worn gloves, invariably out of doors and frequently at other times. He says nothing of this, will not discuss it, but we infer that he suffers from a rash or some such ailment.”

There was a note of scepticism in Holmes’s reply.

“Does he wear gloves when he plays the piano?”

Lord Blagdon bridled a little at this.

“Of course not but he has largely given up his music.”

“Or at the dinner table?”

“Once or twice. Of late, when he has been our guest, he has taken meals in his room. That is the least of his eccentricities.”

“And when did you last hear him play the piano—without gloves, as you say?”

“About four weeks ago. It was in the afternoon with only a few family members present—and they were not paying much attention during their game of whist. He played one of the Schumann Carnaval pieces, just the first one. Then he stopped, closed the lid of the piano keyboard, folded his hands together and left to go to his room.”

“An accomplished musician indeed,” said Holmes graciously, “Since you were present, did you see any obvious marks or disfigurement of the hands?”

“No,” said Lord Blagdon, “I was, however, sitting at a little distance