The Shadowseeker - Victor Kloss Page 0,1

mother and I often had differences of opinion when it came to governing the Institute, and there were several occasions where we didn’t see eye to eye. One area in particular was her method for choosing her directors, the most senior of Institute positions, which should never be taken lightly.”

Prince Henry paused, and Michael knew the prince was trying to build the suspense, but, to his disappointment, neither Charlotte nor Michael reacted.

“With that in mind, I will be conducting a thorough review to establish whether you are still the most suitable choices as directors of the Institute.”

Michael had been expecting this and he remained impassive, though it didn’t make it any easier to take. Charlotte made a small choking sound, but to her credit managed to stay calm.

“Queen Elizabeth promoted me to Director of Trade ten years ago and I have never let her down,” Charlotte said. “I have opened up trade agreements with countless Unseen Kingdoms, which has helped the Institute flourish.”

Prince Henry gave a curt nod before Charlotte had finished speaking, and Michael suspected he wasn’t even listening.

“You two are the perfect example of my mother’s poor decision making,” the prince said, giving them a disapproving frown. “Your breeding, Michael, leaves much to be desired, coming from a poor baker family. And while you, Charlotte, are at least nobly born, I was always sceptical of having a woman in such a powerful position within the Institute. Indeed, the only director I am satisfied with is Lord Samuel.”

Michael could have made several choice replies, but they would only get him in trouble. Prince Henry was just as stubborn as his mother and his mind would not be easily swayed.

“We will endeavour to prove ourselves worthy of our position,” Michael said, giving a stiff bow. “Is there anything else you require of us?”

The prince nodded. “There is one other thing. My mother had an exquisitely crafted suit of armour that used to reside in this very room. Do you happen to know where it went?”

Michael feigned mild surprise. “No, I’m afraid not, Your Highness.”

Prince Henry ran a hand over his chin thoughtfully. “That is most peculiar. You are sure you haven’t seen it recently? I would very much like to have it. It has powerful magic that was specifically intended for my bloodline.”

There was an edge to the prince’s voice, and the gold flecks in his eyes seemed to glow for an instant. Michael was conscious of the guards surreptitiously putting their hands on their spellshooters, but unless they had death wishes, they wouldn’t act while George was still in the room.

“I will issue a search for it immediately,” Michael said.

There was a moment when the prince’s narrowed eyes tried to bore holes through Michael, but the Spellsword Director met the prince’s stare without flinching.

“Very well,” the prince said finally. “I will expect a daily report on your progress. If it is not found within the week, I will not be pleased. You are dismissed.”

Michael and Charlotte made their bows, and then left the throne room, with George in tow. When Michael was sure they were out of earshot from any prying guards, he started talking, quickly and urgently.

“Find the others. I need to see them before the prince does.”

“What are you going to do?” Charlotte asked.

“Each director needs to hide the piece of Elizabeth’s Armour they were entrusted with. It needs to be done today, before Prince Henry can sniff them out. You can bet he has people searching for the Armour already.”

“I have somewhere in mind,” Charlotte said. She scowled suddenly and clenched her fists. “I’ve never wanted to hit a member of royalty before, until today. I can’t believe how he insulted us.”

“I’ll deal with the prince,” Michael said, his expression darkening. “We can’t worry about that now. The Armour is far more important. It needs to stay safely hidden until Suktar’s return.”

They stopped by the double doors that led to the open gallery and the spiral staircase.

“I can’t believe we will have to face Suktar again. When do you think he will resurface?”

Michael shrugged. “It could be months, years or it could be centuries. Should that happen, it will be up to our descendants to re-unite the Armour to stop Suktar.”

Charlotte tugged her braid. “Centuries? The Institute may not even exist then, especially if we have many more Prince Henrys in command.”

“The Institute will survive. It has to.”

“What about our descendants?” Charlotte said. “We are asking a great deal of them. If they have to wait