Rainwater Kisses A Billionaire Love Story - Krista Lakes Page 0,1

two of them be so obviously in love, made me glad I hadn't come. My little sister deserved this kind of happiness.

I looked across the table and Owen was staring at me. As soon as we made eye contact, he grinned. My cheeks turned red and I quickly looked away. I hadn't had a chance to really speak with him yet since he had arrived late in the afternoon, just in time for the practice walk down the aisle.

He had sauntered up to the wedding area, breezing past the security guards and personal assistants with an easy familiarity. Emma introduced us in the moment before the wedding planner took control and started directing everyone to their places. He had held my hand for a split second longer than necessary when he shook it, as if he were reluctant to let go. From that moment on, he had flirted with me mercilessly.

Owen Parker. Probably the most gorgeous man I had ever met. Blonde hair that fell in perfect Disney hero fashion, dark blue eyes, and a jaw that could cut steel, not to mention the way he filled out a suit. He looked like he belonged on the cover of a romance novel, and the way he smiled at me only reinforced that impression.

Like Jack, Owen was also fabulously wealthy. He made more in a day working at Jack's company than I did in a year as a physician's assistant. Not only that, he came from old money, and he had been very wise with his investments over the years. I knew he was one of the few people that Jack trusted, because Jack knew that he had no interest in his money. In fact, the only reason he had this job was because it was a challenge to him; the money was just a perk.

Jack and Owen had been college roommates, and the friendship was an easy thing between them. I could only imagine what kind of trouble the two of them had gotten into in college. They probably broke a lot of girls' hearts

It was clear to see that Owen came from a lifetime of privilege and money. The way he nonchalantly ordered a thousand-dollar bottle of wine, used all the forks and spoons correctly, and the lack of concern for his expensive clothing all made it obvious to me that he had more money than he could ever spend.

During the entire rehearsal, he had kept grinning at me and mimicking the planner when she wasn't looking, forcing the rest of the wedding party to stifle our laughs. I wanted to like him, but something about his charm was too easy. I knew he could have any woman he wanted and that he was used to women falling in love with him. With how flirtatious he was being, I could make this my own vacation to remember if I wanted. . However, it was too easy for the best man and the maid of honor to hook up at a wedding, and I didn't want to be a cliché conquest.

I was trying my best to ignore him, but it was difficult.

Mr. Daniel Saunders, Jack's father, tapped his wine glass with a knife, sending a crystal ping for silence across the table. Everyone at the table quickly quieted as he stood slowly, the motion obviously taking more energy than expected, but he did his best. He lifted his glass in a toast.

"I would like to congratulate my son... and welcome Emma as a daughter." As quiet as he was, even with the noticeable pause in the sentence, his voice was still full of authority. Despite his evident physical weakness, he still held the power of a billionaire oil baron. He paused, taking a shallow breath, and the glass wavered in the air as his arm lost the strength to hold it. Mrs. Saunders stood up quickly beside him, wrapping her arm around him as though she were hugging him, but supporting him and his shaking arm in the process.

"We are glad to welcome you into the family," Mrs. Saunders continued for him, and Mr. Saunders gave her a grateful look. To a casual observer it appeared as though they were simply a loving couple, but I could see Mrs. Saunders' muscles tighten as she kept him upright.

"At first, I wasn't sure that this life would be what you wanted, Emma. But, the past few months have shown me that this is what you were born to do. The two of