Love Resolution - By Michelle Mankin Page 0,1

that I was a shitty father. Her passing left a terrible void.” His gaze drifted away for several moments before he straightened his shoulders and refocused again. “It was a really dark time for me. But that’s no excuse for the things I did. I should have stepped up and been there for my kids, but I didn’t. Instead I went completely off the rails. The way I handled it with the drinking and with Kat and Jus…well, it was wrong and it’s the biggest regret of my life. I wish there was some way I could take it all back.” He paused and shook his head, resignation evident in every drooping line of his body. “Would you at least tell her that for me?”

“Alright,” Marcus found himself reluctantly agreeing, having had his own issues with substance abuse, and a past riddled with poor decisions because of it. “But if I were you, Arthur, I wouldn’t hold my breath.”

“I won’t. But those two kids, they’re all I’ve got left. I had to at least try.” He turned, took a couple of slow steps down the hall, and then stopped and faced Marcus again. “If I don’t hear from you,” he paused to zip up his parka, “take good care of her. And if by some miracle, she changes her mind, I’m staying at the Coast Hotel on Denman Street through the end of the week. You can reach me there.”

Avery rose from the black leather sectional as soon as she heard the elevator ding. She watched Marcus step out of the private lift and into the foyer. He tossed his wallet into the chrome bowl on top of the entryway table. His sky blue eyes met hers, and her bottom lip started to quiver. In a couple of long strides, he reached her. Wrapping his hands around her shoulders, he gently pulled her into him.

Even though she was 5’9”, Marcus was four inches taller, and she had to tilt her head back to peer up at his handsome face. Tenderly he gazed back at her, the soothing strength and warmth of his body seeping into hers. During private moments like this, she got a rare and treasured view of the real Marcus Anthony. The sensitive and caring one, not the temperamental rock singer that most knew.

“You been crying all this time?” His sculpted lips turned down at the corners.

She nodded and lowered her head.

“Oh, Avery,” he sighed and lifted her chin to brush firm lips softly across hers. Moving back slightly, he studied her face while the backs of his fingers skimmed over her wet cheeks and then brushed across the tips of her ears.

She shivered.

He threaded his fingers into her hair, sifting through the copper shoulder length strands. “I’m so sorry you’re having to go through this,” he murmured, deep voice rumbling as he tucked her head into his chest.

She relaxed into him. Being in Marcus’ arms always made her feel safe, protected, and loved. The reappearance of her father had entirely the opposite effect. A plethora of old insecurities had resurfaced, making her feel like she was in danger of sliding back into the role of the victimized teenager again. “Is he gone?” she asked quietly.

“Yeah. He didn’t really put up any fuss,” Marcus answered softly, smoothing his hands down her back.

“Thank you.” She let out a shuddering sigh.

“Ace.” He said her name like it was a question.

She tensed. “I don’t want to talk about it, Marcus.” She pulled away and squared her shoulders. “You know the story. He’s an alcoholic. He was neglectful and abusive to Justin and me. Period. End of story. It’s old news that I don’t want to relive. Not after I’ve worked so hard to forget.”

Avery went over and stood in front of the floor to ceiling windows, one of her favorite spots in the apartment. The view was the primary reason the twenty five hundred square foot condominium was valued at well over six million. The sun was setting over West Vancouver in the distance, red and pink ribbons of color trailing across the darkening sky above the sapphire water of the Burrard Inlet below.

Ignoring the tears that tracked silently down her cheeks once more, Avery wrapped her arms around her slender waist. Damn him! Why did her father have to come back into her life right now? His presence was a poison that tainted everything, even her excitement about going out on her first tour.

Marcus came up behind her and placed