Legacy of Blood - By J. L. McCoy Page 0,1

as my hands fisted tightly down at my sides. “What did you do to me?!” I roared.

“I granted you eternal life, Damu,” he said as he slowly stalked toward me, a look of absolute calm on his face. “You should be grateful, not angry.”

“You stole my life from me and you expect me to be grateful for it?!” I seethed. “Why? Why!”

“My son, the only other one I have ever sired, is long dead,” he explained as he stepped up to me and stopped. “It was time I sired another.”

“BUT WHY ME?!” I begged in a yell. “Why couldn’t you just leave me alone?!”

“Child,” he tsked, growing impatient. “I have given you a gift. Soon you will rise and take your place beside me. Rest in the fact that you will be at peace once your transformation is fully complete. You will obey me in all affairs and do so gladly. I am now your father, Nisiqtu, and soon I will be your husband.”

“Over my dead body,” I growled angrily as I started to back away.

“Too late,” he grinned as he thoughtfully tapped his index finger on his lips.

I turned and rushed through the endless field of flowers. I didn’t know where I was going; I just knew I wanted to get as far away from him as possible.

“Precious,” Amun called affectionately in sing-song behind me. “There is much to discuss. Your transformation will soon be complete. Do you not have questions for me?”

I froze and took a deep breath as I closed my eyes. I did have questions; I had so many, many questions. I swallowed hard, squared my shoulders, and turned around. I marched back over with purpose and stopped a few feet from him. He was smiling affectionately at me and it was really starting to piss me off.

“Stop looking at me like that,” I growled as I crossed my arms over my chest.

“I cannot resist,” he shrugged, a sly smile playing at the corner of his mouth. “You are breathtaking when you are angry.”

“I wish everyone would stop saying that,” I huffed as I threw my long red hair over my shoulder. “Are you really going to answer my questions?” I asked, cocking one eyebrow. “No games, just truth.”

“Of course, child.”

I took another deep breath and gathered my thoughts. I was really angry at him, but I knew I needed to play it cool if I wanted to get the answers I desperately needed.

“How is this possible?” I asked, fighting off the sting of tears. “How can I be turning into what you are? What did you do to me and when did you do it?”

Amun deliberately took a few steps toward me and offered me his elbow. “Walk with me.” I fought the urge to recoil as I hesitantly threaded my arm with his. We silently began strolling through the field; the only sound was Amun’s contented sigh. I had just opened my mouth to question him again, when he finally spoke up.

“It is lonely... wandering this Earth alone,” he said quietly. “At first, I only desired you for your ties to the Day Walkers. But, as time passed, you began to fascinate me. Granted, you still need to be broken, but with a little work, you will be spectacular. The first thing we should adjust is that mouth of yours, though. Your defiance will only cause my anger. You are to be submissive to me in all matters.”

“Submission is not in my nature,” I bit out through gritted teeth. What I really wanted to do was rip his eyeballs out, but I held my temper. I needed answers first…then I’d kill him.

“Oh, it will be, Nisiqtu,” he chuckled. “When you awaken, you will experience love for me and it will be overwhelming to you at first. You will immediately want to please me in all things, above all else. You will see, my precious. I told you that one day you would not despise me.”

I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes as I took a deep breath. I silently prayed for patience. I was going to kill him before I got my answers, I was sure of it.

Amun chuckled as he heard my thoughts. “Sittu, Damu,” he said gently as he stilled and faced me. He lightly stroked my hair and I fought the urge to scream. “I will answer your questions.” We began walking again and he bent down to pick a flower as he continued. “When you were in my captivity,