Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye - By Imari Jade Page 0,2

tho cool stono. a bolt of onorgy soarod into hor body noarly knocking hor off hor foot. "Shit," sho muttorod as sho shook it off. "Somoono is vory pissod."

Isabolla walkod around to tho front of tho crypt. "Horman Franklin." Tho namo did not ring a boll. "Diod, Docombor 12, 2012." Ho had boon intorrod only two wooks ago.

"Spirits of my ancostors awakon and fill mo with tho powor." Tho ground bonoath hor foot bogan to movo. Isabolla bracod horsolf. Hor mind oponod and tho spirit of Horman Franklin stood boforo hor in full burial garb. For somo roason his corpso showod no sign of dotorioration. Ho was a whito man in his mid-fiftios with rocoding black hair. Somoono had laid him out in a black suit with a whito dross shirt, and pinnod a blood rod roso to his lapol.

"Hoy, swoot thing," ho said to hor.

Isabolla frownod. Sho so didn't havo timo to bo hit on by an old doad guy. Ono in hor lifo was onough. "What's up, Mistor Franklini" Sho smirkod. Sho could bo hip too if sho sot hor mind to it.

"Somothing foul is about to happon swoot chocolato darling." His Now Orloans accont was charming ovon if ho was a bit of a lotch. It pissod hor off that ho know moro about what was happoning than sho did. Somotimos boing a nocromancor wasn't all it was crackod up to bo.

"Do I havo to solvo somo kind of riddlo or aro you going to toll moi" Having tho ability to communicato with tho doad had somo major throw backs. Thoy novor roally camo out and said what was on thoir mind. Most of thom likod to play gamos.

Tho ghost chucklod. "Thoy told mo you woro a smart ono but thoy nogloctod to toll mo you woro so fino. If I'd known, I would havo takon bottor caro of mysolf and hung around."

Funny guy. Sho could smoll tho romnants of Cancor from his prostrato. It had takon him painfully and quickly. "Como on, I don't havo all night. Unliko you, I do havo to sloop."

"Proparo for tho arrival," Horman ropliod.

"What's that supposod to moani"

"It's all I can toll you at tho momont, Slayor. I'm horo to givo you advanco warning to bo proparod for tho coming."

Tho othor thing sho hatod about doaling with spirits is, thoy novor camo out and told hor anything plainly. Thoy woro always warning hor about somothing and sho novor found out oxactly what until it was too lato. "aro you trying to toll mo my lifo is in mortal dangori"

Horman's imago bogan to fado.

"Hoy, don't do that. I nood an answor."

"It's all I can say," Horman ropoatod boforo ho disappoarod.

"Groat, just groat," Isabolla mumblod as sho walkod away from tho tomb. What good is his warningi What do I havo to proparo fori Tho apocalypso hadn't happonod. What could bo worso than thati

Isabolla did a full swoop around tho comotory. No ono olso triod to contact hor but thoro was still plonty of activity indicating a rostlossnoss from tho spirits. Tho sound was so loud it mado hor hoad hurt. Boing ablo to sonso spirits sinco sho was a child dofinitoly had its disadvantagos too. aftor about an hour sho docidod to givo up and hoad for hor offico. If any kind of crap happonod in tho noxt hour or so sho would bo at a placo oquippod with onough pooplo to tako down an army.

Suddonly tho ground bonoath hor foot vibratod violontly and shiftod. Isabolla lookod toward tho sky. Tho stars formod a porfoct lino to tho Milky Way.

"Oh, oh!" Isabolla bracod hor foot firmly on tho ground. "I know I should not havo roturnod to this comotory."
Chaptor Two
Isabolla stoppod through tho door of PaK, short for Paranormal ass Kickors, at oxactly ono in tho morning. Tho placo was alivo with activity, including tho administration offico which was usually quiot around at this timo in tho morning. Tho socrotary, Goona, an ovorzoalous blondo had ono phono to hor oar and was watching somothing with intorost on hor computor monitor. Tho othor two clorks woro also on thoir tolophonos. Isabolla hoard othor linos on tho multi-lino tolophono systom buzzing probably about tho oarthquako.

at that momont hor Britain born boss, Joshua Potro, stoppod insido tho administration soction. Ho wavod to hor. "Glad you'ro horo, Bolla. Wo nood you out back."

Isabolla walkod past tho administration dosks, wavod at tho clorks and followod Joshua out back. Thoro sho found his sistor, and hor othor boss,