Kallos (Kallos Series) - By Khelsey Jackson Page 0,1

town. Her dad was a teacher and was offered the position of principal here. Now, she gets to suffer for three years with him watching over her every single move at Fallenvale, with a measly population of four hundred. Her mother says that living in a small town will be nice and that it will help her blossom; Kallos disagrees.

She is ripped from her hopeless thoughts as she hears footsteps on the stairs. Kallos takes a deep breath and holds it in for a few seconds as she hears her mother's voice outside her door, “Kallos, dear, you need to get up.” She moans, as she falls out of bed, and grabs her robe before stumbling to the bathroom.

After showering, Kallos joins her parents at the kitchen table. As usual, her mom sets golden stacks of pancakes and fried bacon in front of her. She kisses Kallos’ cheek and says, “Good morning, Sweetie.” Kallos smiles as Mom asks, “Are you excited for your first day?”

As Kallos shovels in a bite of pancakes to avoid answering, she nods. To be honest, though, she isn't excited; she’s only frightened. Although, she doesn’t seem to understand the reason she is so petrified. She has been getting this weird feeling since they got into town a little more than a week ago; it’s as if something is trying to warn her. Her birthmark has this precarious burning sensation ever since she has gotten to this forsaken town. As Kallos finishes her last piece of bacon her dad stands up and announces, “Time to get going.” He walks over and grabs his jacket.

“Dad, I want to walk to school,” Kallos says while rolling her eyes. She still doesn't understand why he is treating her as if she was a child.

“I don’t think that would be wise on your first day. Wait until you meet some new people. I don’t want you walking to school alone, Kallos.” She picks up her plate; dragging her feet as if she is stalling to the sink and hands it to her mom.

Her mom looks up at Kallos, smiles, and turns to start washing the breakfast dishes, “Go get your backpack Sweetie and please hurry. I don’t want you to be late on your first day.” She looks from Kallos back to her husband.

“Whatever,” Kallos mumbles, rolls her eyes and runs up to her bedroom, glancing in the hallway mirror. She notices her skinny body is starting to change; it is starting to get more curves. Her skinny-legged jeans don’t seem so skinny anymore with her newly found hips. Her dark brown hair hangs to the middle of her back; it has a red tint that is only seen when the sun shines on it. Her light blue eyes are shrouded with dark lashes. Kallos laughs to herself because her mom is always telling her that she has perfect eyelashes. She walks into her bedroom. Today, she is wearing light-washed jeans with a long sleeved red shirt. She pushes up her sleeves and sees her quarter-sized, dove-shaped birthmark on her left wrist. People are always asking her if it's a tattoo.

Kallos turns, walks over to her desk, and grabs her pink and black backpack. She lifts it over one shoulder and leisurely strolls downstairs; she is in no hurry to get this retched day started. Her mom, as usual, is standing by the door waiting to give her a hug and plant a kiss on her forehead. Kallos looks intently at her mother and realizes she is an extraordinary beauty. She has long, blonde hair and light green eyes. She always wears a dress because she says it makes her feel pretty. Kallos smiles at her and takes one more hug before walking to her dad. As they walk over to the car, he opens the passenger door and Kallos slides in.

The five-minute car ride was quiet and uneventful. They pull into her dad’s reserved parking spot, and he hands her the class schedule. They get out of the car and walk towards the entrance. Kallos notices that the sidewalk is cracked and uneven; she prays she doesn’t trip and fall. The building has red bricks and the trees that line the sidewalk which have already started changing to their fall colors. Beautiful reds, yellows, and orange line her path to the two glass doors that lead into the school, and many people around.

“Well, if you need anything, you know where to find me,” tells her dad as he leans