High Stakes Gamble - By Mimi Barbour Page 0,1

for him specifically.”

Aurora gave her one of her cards with the department’s number listed and steadied her own hand when she noticed the card shaking.

Passing the victim to Aurora, the office girl jumped up to do her bidding.

Hysterics and tears had to be dealt with. Aurora, who knew how she’d feel if someone tried to take Lily, gathered the poor woman close for a few seconds and awkwardly patted her back.

Over the top of the head nestled into her shoulder she turned to the room at large. Her voice meant business. “No one leaves until I say so.” She got the attention of the other assistant, then pointing behind her, she continued. “That elevator is now a crime scene—shut it down. Then go and wait for the police at the front door and bring them up here via the stairs.”

Hesitating with the phone in her hand, the office girl squeaked. “I’ll just call the doctor? And t-tell him what’s happened. He’ll be able to give her something to settle her down.” She nodded at the whimpering female in Aurora’s arms.

“Fine. But hurry.”

The distraught mother, sensing authority, grabbed Aurora’s arm, frantically pinching. “Please, I want my Billy. I tried to stop him. Help me,” she moaned. Her obvious agony awoke every tingling sensation in Aurora’s scalp. She glanced over to the where Lily lay safe in the arms of her white-faced impromptu babysitter.

“I’ll help you, Ma’am, but you have to stop crying. Take a deep breath.” Her mesmerizingly soft voice seemed to work a miracle and the other quieted, her desperate eyes searching Aurora’s face and expression.

“He got on the elevator behind me and forced me up against the wall. When he drugged me, I-I tried to stop him. But he put a cloth over my nose and mouth. I must have passed out. Billy, my baby was gone when I came to.” At this point the victim had to stop and use the tissues Aurora had passed to her from the box nearby. Once she’d wiped away the snot and tears, she continued. “It could only have been a few minutes.”

Vulnerable and seeking exoneration, she begged for confirmation that she wasn’t to blame. After all, isn’t it a mom’s job to keep her child safe?

“It’s not your fault, Ms. ahh…?”

“Mary Fulton. And my baby’s name is Billy. He’s two months old. And he likes to be rocked to sleep…” The last came out in a whisper that sent a mass of quivers rioting down Aurora’s back.

“Shuu! Calm now. It’s okay Mrs. Fulton. We’ll find your baby but you have to be strong. We need you to tell us anything you can about what just happened. Come now. Get up and we’ll take you to a quiet area so we can talk.”

Aurora motioned with her head to the doctor who had quietly appeared and began surreptitiously assessing the patient while Aurora asked the questions.

Understanding her request, the doctor helped the woman to stand and then supported her toward the closest small room where an examination table sat next to a couple of chairs and a small desk.

He spoke quietly to Aurora as they walked, Mary Fulton staggering between them. “I can give her something to calm her. If I don’t, she soon won’t be of much use. Right now she’s hanging on by a thread. I think she’s attached herself to you but even you won’t be able to influence her for much longer.”

“Go ahead and give her something then. If we’re going to get the information crucial to finding her baby, we’ll need her as calm as possible. There’ll be an Amber Alert. But you must understand how critical it is for the first twenty-four hours that we follow up every conceivable lead.”

Chapter Two

“Can’t stay away, Morelli? Always where the action is, and you on maternity leave, Lassie. By golly, even a doctor’s office.” John Hampton’s greying bushy eyebrows covered twinkling eyes that made her feel a whole lot better. All six-plus feet of the Irish devil soothed her uneasiness. There was none better to work with than this solid, good-hearted man.

“Hampton you old rogue, you almost look good enough to hug.” Aurora’s smile couldn’t be hidden when she spotted her larger than life cohort from the office where she’d worked her ass off for the last five-and-a-half years.

When he approached with intent, she backed away and held her hand up in front of her. “I said almost.”

“Wicked tease! Now you’ve gone and broke me heart.” His shenanigans worked its