Forgotten - Dawn Nicole Stevens Page 0,2

count to three, I’m calling for the nurse.”

He crossed his arms and stared her dead in the eye and she felt a power in his gaze that would have been strong enough to make a grown man crumble. But Jane held her own and gleamed back, anger growing inside of her and pulsing through her veins. Her head began to ache again, but she ignored it, focusing on the man before her.

To her surprise, he laughed and stepped back, propping a hip up on the AC vent. “You better calm down before someone comes in here.”

“And just why should I calm down?” Jane asked angrily.

“Because your wolf is showing,” he chuckled.

“My what?” she questioned and looked down at herself. She thought he had to be some kind of schizo until she saw her fingers. Her nails stuck out at least an inch from the tips of her fingers. They hadn’t been like that before had they?

Her heart rate picked up and as her tension grew, she watched her nails grow even longer. Maybe he wasn’t crazy, maybe she was. Maybe there wasn’t even a man in her room. Maybe she was imagining it all.

“Your eyes are glowing too,” he whispered.

Her head snapped back up to look at him and then his words sank in. Her eyes were glowing? She scooted to the edge of the bed and every muscle protested, but not more than her head. As she pulled the covers off and was about to stand, she realized that she was in a hospital gown and more than likely, didn’t have anything underneath. She scowled at him and said, “Do you mind turning around until I get my back-end covered?”

He shrugged and spun to look out the window and she slid off the bed. She glanced back and realized that he was looking at her reflection in the window and she yelled, “Hey pervert!”

“I didn’t see anything,” he replied. “Just making sure you’re not making a run for it.”

She double checked that the gown was wrapped around the back of her and then took a step toward the bathroom, but stumbled a bit when her head suddenly throbbed. In an instant, the stranger was next to her, reaching for her and she moved away. “Don’t touch me,” she told him.

He held his hands up in surrender and she continued on to the bathroom, only to jerk backwards when her IV reached its full extension. She grabbed the IV pole and wheeled it with her to the bathroom.

Once she was inside, she looked up into the mirror and saw the glowing eyes that he had spoken of. They really were glowing a pale blue color. She splashed some cold water onto her face and took a few deep breaths and miraculously, the blue glow faded as she watched. Once it was gone, sapphire blue eyes were all that was left. She studied them, then the straight nose, full lips, arched brows, and chocolate brown hair. It was odd to look at herself in the mirror, but not recognize the person looking back at her. It was if she was looking at a stranger, though she knew it was her.

Her hair was pulled up in a bun to one side and she reached around her head, feeling a spot that had been shaved. Upon further investigation, she found stitches. One of the nurses must have pulled her hair up to make it easier to tend the stitches.

She pulled the hair band from her hair and long brown locks fell over her shoulders and down across her chest. She winced as her scalp began to sting. Apparently her hair had been pulled up for a while. She looked down at her hands and her nails were a normal length. Was all the werewolf talk true? She had to get some answers out of this guy.

She looked back up into the mirror and someone knocked on the door. She cracked it open to see the man looking in at her. He leaned in and said, “We have to get you out of here before they call in specialist to run tests on you. I’m sure they’re already astounded by how fast you’ve healed.”

Jane opened her mouth to protest going with him, but he shoved the clothes in at her and she realized that he was right. If she’d healed that fast, the doctors had to be suspicious and she didn’t want to become a science experiment.

She took the clothes and closed the door,