The Fall - By Chana Keefer Page 0,1

his impervious body.

But wait. There was a time he tasted deeper anguish.

No. Please. That is locked away—eternal sanity demanded it. But the horrific images descend once again.

The loved one weeps in agony, precious flesh is torn over and over as Rapha’s heart feels every rip of the whip, every trickle of spittle, every curse thrown like a poisoned spear. And there, in the crazed mob, everywhere he looks, the twisted, beautiful, triumphant, mocking face of one who was once a brother.

Rapha’s earth-crusted hands clutch at his ears but the laughter grows, filling every recess of his soul, stealing every hope and joyful memory.

A joyful memory?

In a flash Rapha is there; catapulted through eons of space and time, before the purity of the garden, back through countless ages to a fresh hilltop lit by a younger, more optimistic sun. He and Luc preferred the plunging cliffs dropping to unseen depths below. Somehow, a spiral dive carried more of a thrill when performed in a temporal world.

“There’s something about this place,” Luc’s eyes flitted from tree to mountain and stream as he stretched golden arms wide as if to embrace the early morning’s glow filtering through droplets of mist. “It’s not as grand as our flawless, hallowed domain but the appeal is undeniable.”

Rapha had ignored the note of restlessness in that melodic voice, choosing to enjoy fresh air laced with flowered perfume and the spiced musk of fertile soil. In the countless years of their friendship, he had learned Luc’s passions could flash with the slightest provocation, but usually, if Rapha allowed Luc to give vent to his emotions, the darker frame of mind would pass. And, a visit to this, their favorite retreat, was usually the perfect remedy, a change of pace and a different rhythm that put celestial matters into perspective. With a sigh Rapha settled back into thick green with one arm behind his head to contemplate the crisp blue above. Yes. This was just what Luc needed, a deep breath of contentment.

“Listen!” Luc crouched down as a biped creature struggled into view on the steep slope below. It was bent forward as if sniffing the wind, its hair-covered body tense, heavy brow shading deep-set eyes that scanned its surroundings. “What do you suppose it’s thinking?” Luc questioned. “Does that puny mind delve beyond putting one pathetic foot in front of the other or is it merely contemplating which part of its putrid body to scratch next?”

This new creature, standing somewhat upright and possessing intelligence beyond Earth’s other inhabitants, had stirred Luc’s ire. Rapha could not understand why these beings, known as “man,” so inferior to angelic structure, should irritate his friend so.

Rapha studied the perfect planes of the face beside him as Luc observed the creature with disdain and declared, “Do you realize it can’t live without water? A stiff wind could blow it off this cliff and that’s it. The young are even more vulnerable—tiny, squirming things one breath away from oblivion!” A mournful expression shadowed the handsome face. “I’d be doing a favor to end such a pathetic existence….” He raised an arm as if to summon a whirlwind.

“No!” Rapha was accustomed to Luc’s teasing but something in his friend’s expression warned him the humor had taken on a malicious tone.

Luc resisted Rapha’s restraining arm, “Just a small puff… oh please… it will know the thrill of flight as it plummets to the ground!”

“We are not to influence them,” Rapha was alarmed at Luc’s narrowed eyes and the hard lines of repulsion that marred the beautiful face. “You know the command.…”

Luc burst into laughter, eyes glittering with the triumph of disrupting his stoic friend’s calm demeanor. “As if I would dare defy Adonai!” Relief flooded Rapha as the shadow disappeared from Luc’s face. Ah… this was his beloved, teasing Lucifer.

“However….” Luc observed the squat creature, now scratching and snuffling under a bush, “he must have something to record on his cave wall.”

Without further discourse, Luc drew himself up to a height rivaling the tall evergreens, revealing himself in all his celestial glory. His body flared like lightning and a whirlwind of smoke rushed up from the ground, causing the bright hair cascading about his shoulders to flow up and out creating both a crown and mantle. With eyes of fire he flung a lightning bolt across the valley as the man creature screamed in fright and threw himself beneath the bush. When Luc turned his smoking gaze toward the trembling being, Rapha moved quickly. Expanding to