Entice - By Ella Frank Page 0,1

that woman either.

“But I’ll tell you one thing. The man that I end up with will be honest, he’ll be hard working, and he will not sit on his ass while I’m out busting mine.”

Adam came around the table and stopped right in front of her. Looking down, he sneered. “You’ve always been such a fucking princess.”

Shelly felt like he’d slapped her. Her father called her that, and honestly, he hadn’t meant it in an endearing manner either.

“I think you need to leave,” she told him through clenched teeth.

“What about all my stuff?”

Shelly glared up at him, not one to be intimidated. “You can come and pick up your one suitcase tomorrow.”

“Well, Dr. Monroe, I’d love to say it’s been a pleasure, but hey, even the sex these last few months hasn’t been.” With that, he turned, grabbing his cell phone from the table.

Shelly glared holes in his back as he walked to the door. Asshole! Like the five minutes he spent on top of me was the highlight of my week!

Without a backward glance, he walked out, slamming the door behind him. It crashed shut with a resonating boom.

As Shelly stood in her empty living room, she made a promise to herself. No man will ever use me again. She vowed to only date a man who could give her what she needed and did not look to her to be the sole provider.

It was a promise she intended to keep.

Chapter One



Shelly knocked on the back door of Exquisite, and waited in the chilly February air. Coming from a hectic Monday at the hospital, she thought she’d be late but she still managed to arrive by 7:30.

Ever since Lena and Mason had gotten engaged, they’d moved the traditional Langley dinner down to the restaurant. It just hadn’t felt right to any of them to go back to the cottage without Catherine there.

So, they’d switched to the restaurant, which had worked out well since Exquisite was closed on Mondays. Somehow, ever since Lena had been welcomed back into the Langley family unit, Shelly, too, had found herself adopted by them.

Hearing the click of the lock, Shelly turned to see Mason pushing open the door.

“Shelly,” Mason greeted her as he reached out and pulled her into a tight hug.

Shelly gladly returned his embrace. After all, it was Mason Langley, and she wasn’t going to pass up a chance to get her hands on his sexy body, even if he was engaged to her best friend.

“Mason. How are you tonight?”

“Great, just great. Get in here. The food’s cooking, the wine’s open, and Lena’s at the bar making margaritas.”

Shelly smirked as he tugged her through the door.

Making her way inside, she walked down the main kitchen aisle that led them out to the dining area. Shelly looked to her left and saw her friend standing behind the huge mahogany bar that ran down the side of the restaurant. Lena raised a hand, waving at her.

Shrugging out of her coat, Shelly smiled as Mason took it from her.

“Full service tonight, Chef?”

As he grinned, matching dimples appeared. “Nothing but the best here at Exquisite,” he winked.

Nodding, Shelly tugged at her tight, little red skirt. “That’s actually true, including your alcohol. So, I’m going to go over to your woman and grab some.”

“Let her know I’ll be in the kitchen if she needs me.”

Already making her way toward the bar, Shelly called back over her shoulder, “Will do.”

Turning back, she stopped in front of her friend and colleague. “Where’s my usual Cosmo, huh?” Shelly grinned at Lena.

Lena arched a brow. “Sit down. Tonight, you’re trying Lena’s Margarita.”

“Oh, am I?” Shelly questioned, watching as her friend started to salt the four large glasses in front of her.

“Yep. You, Rach, and Wendy are my guinea pigs.”

“Lucky us.” Sighing, Shelly looked around at the now familiar bar and dining room.

“Hey, what’s up?” Lena asked.

Turning to face her friend, she shrugged, and then shook her head. “Nothing. I’m just feeling sorry for myself.”

Lena frowned and reached over the bar to grip Shelly’s hand. “Well, you shouldn’t. You’re wonderful, and we all love you.”

“I know you do, but I can’t have sex with you.”

Lena laughed, pulling her hand back to pick up the pitcher of margaritas. “Oh! I see. It’s that kind of feeling sorry for ourselves.”

Picking up a straw from the container on the bar, Shelly twirled it between her fingers. She blew out a breath and felt her blonde hair ruffle against her cheek.

“Yeah, it’s that kind of ‘I