Edge (Parker Reed #2) - J.M. Walker Page 0,2

At all.

“Sit down, Keely,” he demanded and pulled a phone out of his jacket pocket. Placing it on the table, he pointed at the chair. “Sit. Down.”

I was sick of being told what to do but I listened anyways. Better that than not getting the answers that I wanted. I would play into Cross’ annoying game. Maybe then I would get what I was looking for.

“Speak,” he barked.

“How the hell did you get this number?” a deep, smooth voice demanded.

My body tingled, becoming hyper aware of the voice coming from the cell. My cell. Parker. I held back all emotion and crossed my arms under my chest. But how in the hell did Cross call him? What was going on? “You have my phone. Why the hell are you using my phone, Cross?” I reached for it when the agent pulled it from my reach.

He smirked, tapping the table. “I will do anything to get the answers that I want.”

“And that means breaking the law, agent? You don’t have a fucking warrant!” I shouted.

“Who is calling me?” Parker growled.

“You’re speaking with Agent Steven Cross. I have a Miss Keely Price here with me,” Cross said, staring intently into my eyes, ignoring my outcry. He was testing me. Challenging me to see if he could get a response or a reaction from me.

I almost laughed. I was trained by the best. There would be no way in hell I would give him what he was looking for. I crossed my arms under my chest, my body shaking. How dare he?

“Ah. Miss Price. I seem to recall hiring a Miss Price several months ago,” Parker said, nonchalantly. His demeanor had changed in a matter of seconds. He was playing into Cross’ game. For the moment.

“What did you hire her for?” Cross asked, sitting in the chair opposite me.

“To be my assistant, of course. Don’t you read the papers?”

Cross tapped the table with his knuckles before continuing his path back and forth in front of me. “I think you hired her to do the hacking that she is known for.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Where do you get your information, Cross? Do you make this shit up as you go?”

Cross sneered and rubbed his chin. “Hmm…testy when it comes to any mention of your hacking abilities.”

“Why did you call me, Agent?” Parker barked.

“Tell him, Keely.”

I frowned. “Tell him what exactly? You keep asking me who Parker is. If he’s still alive and so and on and so on. But you knew all along that he’s alive. You have him on the damn phone. My phone!”

“Do you miss him?” Cross asked, ignoring my questions. “Do you still love him?”

A lump formed in my throat but I swallowed past it. There would be no way that I was giving in to his incessant badgering. “You know what my reply is to that?” I asked, sitting forward.

His eyes narrowed as he leaned over the table.

I licked my lips. “Fuck. You.”

A deep chuckle sounded from the phone. “Sounds like you got a feisty one. Reminds me of a kitten.”

My stomach clenched at one of the nicknames he had given me. If only I could see him. Touch him. Smell his skin. God, I missed Parker Reed so damn much but I would do anything to protect him.

“Who the fuck is Devin?” Agent Cross asked slowly through clenched teeth.

“You already know who he is. I’m not playing into your games. I was married to the best at mind-fucks. You don’t have shit. You seem to know everything anyway.” I feigned a yawn and sat back. “I guess I can’t help you.”

“Shit. Keely. Tell me what I want to know. Now!” he shouted.

“Agent Cross,” Parker said, his voice firm. “I would be very careful who I use that tone of voice with.”

“And why would I need to do that, Reed? You trying to tell me something?” Cross slumped in the chair.

Silence came through the phone and as the vein in the agent’s head protruded and throbbed, I had to bite back a laugh. He wouldn’t get what he was looking for. Not until we were good and ready to give it to him. I still didn’t know every answer to all of the questions that raced through my mind but I trusted Parker to tell me when he was ready. He gave me an in and that’s all I could ask for.

I KNEW that I would be seeing Agent Cross again. It was only a matter of time before he